Matilde hit the ripe old age of 5 and she has celebrated in style today at school. She trotted off with donuts to share with her class, including her friend Marina - born on the same day in the same hospital!!

At school the much anticipated 10th anniversary celebrations took place. There were various activities including the almost simultaneous release of nearly 500 balloons into the air. The singing of Celebration and Happy Birthday by Key Stage One was very cool. Well done to all.
Isabella and Gregorio have just watched the video of the singing in their hospital suite where they have been all afternoon. Yep this morning's visit revealed a triple whammy - fever, neutropenic and her central line is not working. After numerous attempts to draw blood an x-ray with dye revealed a leaking line. So antibiotics for the virus, two nights as an in-patient for the neutropenia and we're in discussions with surgeon about the timing to replace the line. ...it could be as early as tomorrow, Friday.....
Not exactly how we envisaged Mati's birthday. She has been a trooper I guess all the sugar during the day helped and now she, Bella and Gregorio are watching a movie while eating a packet of crisps. What more could she want?!
Bella does seem better than this morning and will hopefully be home on Saturday. Obviously no chemo today and they have decided to ommit this round and so once she recovers from this virus she is fighting and the surgery to insert a new central line she'll be able to enjoy 3 weeks without chemo.
Bella does seem better than this morning and will hopefully be home on Saturday. Obviously no chemo today and they have decided to ommit this round and so once she recovers from this virus she is fighting and the surgery to insert a new central line she'll be able to enjoy 3 weeks without chemo.
Gregorio has opted for the hospital sofa tonight, for which I am extremely grateful. Thankfully we have a long weekend ahead of us, and the girls have the whole week off from school.
Emma and Gregorio xxx