Since the last update, we have been busy. We had a lovely time with Penny and family from Cornwall. Mati and Rosie got on like a house on fire, they last met when Mati was 2 months old! It would seem that 5 year old girls, wherever they are from, are very similar, evening
dancing shows to ABBA music seem to be popular!
brought along two umbrellas. Emily captured some very happy moments. Here are just some of the photos. If you fancy trying to capture you or your family on film take a look at her website. Emily definitely creates memorable images,
she is available both sides of the Atlantic www.emilypinnaphotography.com

On Tuesday Isabella had a follow-up MRI of the spine, number 7 but who's counting?! On October 13th they had seen some thickening of the lining around the spine, they did not think it was tumor but wanted to take another look. This week they found nothing, so the October 13th MRI really was just good news - the main tumor has shrunk. Today we are here again for the start of cycle 7. We had 4 nurses ready to access her, straight in, blood counts high and chemo is being administered as I write. Phew, one down, 7 chemo sessions to go....2010 here we come.

This week is the half term break. Between hospital visits we have been to the pumpkin patch (finally a good day without rain) and have been getting ready for Halloween. No doubt there will be photos of the 3 witches and clown available next week!
Lots of love,
Emma & Gregorio. xxx