We had a fantastic week in Wyoming - checking out the downhill skiing in Jackson Hole - a lot of snow and seriously amazing powder. Best friends for mummy and Isabella flew in from London to join us as did some dear friends from DC. In fact they all arrived before us - some technical hitch at our starting airport meant that we arrived 24 late, lost our sense of humor, a day's skiing and vowed never to fly with Delta again or via Minneapolis in the winter...

Back in DC I think we have had at least two more bouts of snow. Needless to say, after I had washed and put away all the ski stuff. Sometimes it just doesn't pay to get ahead and be organized!
During the latest snow storm, Gregorio took Isabella to Children's for her latest MRI. Results: all stable. We are now debating how we can maximize our summer in Europe - medical appointments and the fact that they won't release more than 4 weeks of the medication (it being a trial) are adding to the factors we need to keep in mind with our planning.
In other news Isabella is part of the children's chorus performing in an opera (Der Rosenkavalier) at the Kennedy Center tonight with Renee Fleming. Next week she is part of the school's chemistry team competing in the local final against several other schools. She is busy studying up her periodic table.
Tomorrow our clocks are springing forward to Daylight Saving Time, so surely spring will be here soon? Looking ahead to spring, we are seeking runners and walkers to join us at the annual Race for Hope on May 4th to raise funds and awareness for Brain Cancer. If you would like to join us or donate to this valuable cause please look for our team here: http://www.braintumorcommunity.org
Next MRI at the end of May/early June. We will update you when we have more news.
Happy International Women's Day, ladies!
Emma & family. xxx