We came home to find results from the piano exams. Isabella passed her grade IV and Matilde passed her grade II. Phew. We are now gearing up to the summer holidays. It has been a busy couple of weeks work and play wise for all and we are much looking forward to a change of pace and scenery.
Rather complicated summer logistics but the net result is the girls get to fly unaccompanied to London for the first time and are much excited by this. They will arrive on Independence day! Looking forward to my cousin's wedding in England in a couple of weeks. Even more so, now that we have finally found shoes to wear, that we all like. Either, I am getting old, or my daughter really is a young teenager or well, they just don't make nice sensible shoes like they used to! From England we fly to Italy for some relaxing hikes and picnics in the Alps.
Isabella had an MRI a couple of weeks ago and all continues to be stable. Another is scheduled for the day we return from England, just prior to going back to school. In October we will reach the two year mark and most likely stop the current trial drugs. We will let you know.
Otherwise girls are blooming in all they do inside and outside of school, growing up fast but thankfully still think their parents are cool!
Lots of love,
Emma, Gregorio, Isabella and Matilde. xxx