As the summer holidays draw to a close I realize I have been remiss in updating the blog for some time. A good sign! Isabella had another MRI at the end of July and all continues to be stable. We move forward for another three months. Another MRI is scheduled in early November.

Meanwhile we have had an action packed summer - featuring a lot of water. Isabella enjoyed a two week sailing course in Italy. She loves being
on the water. She had a blast, made lots of friends and is already planning her return next summer. Before and after the sailing camp she was royally treated to a very special
vacanze romane with the nonni. I think Gianna took Isabella to every corner of Rome by bus or on foot, experiencing the art and food of Rome at it's best. Isabella feels she really knows the city and I know how special it was by the enthusiasm she told me about the Caravaggio's she saw or the details of the different churches. Then there were the evenings out and the musical evening at Parco della Musica. Bravi nonni! Isabella also enjoyed some fun evenings out with Gregorio's friends and their children, including
Mamma Mia in Italian! And the goodies - wearable and edible that she returned home with were received very enthusiastically!

Back in DC Mati joined a summer swim league. She enjoys being
in the water - she trained most days during the week and swam in competitions most week-ends. Gregorio and I loved watching and cheering our "dolphin" on. It was a lot of fun, even if the locations were in the back of beyond, up to an hour away from home - and we needed to be there by 7am or earlier! Mati did very well and enjoyed the team camaraderie that a summer swim team provides. She is now looking forward to getting back to winter training but already planning on joining the summer league again next year. When she wasn't swimming (or sleeping or eating - she does a lot of both) she took a culinary camp - cooking some impressive dishes.

After a month apart - we had an idea of what the future will be like - the girls were desperate to see each other!

As I write this, we are wrapping up our family summer vacation - seaside on the US Atlantic. We began with a very relaxing week at the beach in Lewes, Delaware. We stayed in a lovely little beach cottage, opposite the ice cream store and enjoyed morning runs or bike rides into the state park and relaxed by the shore later in the day. We sampled local craft beer and had some retail therapy when it rained. We then crossed the Delaware Bay and spent a week in Cape May, New Jersey, a delightful seaside town, with plenty of shops, cafes and restaurants and quaint victorian architecture. Fun and lively but tasteful. It was a very pleasant discovery. Despite some wet days (providing time for Monopoly and lots of reading), the sunset cruise around the island watching many dolphins was magical, the seafood and local produce everywhere were delicious. We had some great food - cooked at home and sampled at delightful restaurants and a local farm. We found some great beaches and had endless fun in the waves or flying the kite. A pure simple quality family vacation.

We are returning to DC refreshed and ready for the "new year". The English cousins will arrive the afternoon we get back. School starts again next week and so I will probably add another update this week.
Despite all the terrible events that continue to happen around the world, we hope you are all well!

Lots of love,
Emma, Gregorio, Isabella & Matilde xxx