Thursday, October 16, 2008

First visit to the oncology clinic

Life is pretty normal in the Impavido household.... we had a fun day at the pumpkin patch on Sunday, taking hayrides, running around, loosing Matilde, enjoying a nice picnic in the sunshine with friends. Lots of fun and laughter all round. Thank you. A perfect autumn Sunday, even if it did feel like August! This week Isabella has been back at school. We have been trying to keep up with the playdates and various school and after-school activities, of which there have been many. Plenty to keep one's mind occupied.

And our 'new life' wouldn't be normal without at least one visit to Children's Hospital. We spent this morning at the oncology clinic and met all the key players and discussed the regime which will include two drugs (carboplatin and vincristine) delivered by IV and another daily tablet of (gleevec) which should further inhibit growth of the tumors. The side effects seem minimal and we hope that Isabella will react well.

The staff and the clinic are totally geared to the children. Isabella spent the morning doing the little tasks the nurse bet she couldn't do and enjoying the arts and crafts room. Another fun visit.

On Monday we will meet the surgeon who will insert the central line into her chest to administer the drugs. The surgery will probably happen next week and the treatment will begin that day. We'll be returning to Children's every Thursday morning for the following 10 weeks. The great thing about this type of line is that it will be under the skin, so no daily care required by us and moreover, Isabella will be able to swim anywhere, whenever she likes. We are very pleased about this, she is such a water baby. Each time she has treatment they will numb the area with cream and then insert a needle. She will cope with this.

As we move through the various cycles of treatments there will be follow up MRI's to monitor the tumors.

We now have a battle plan and will await our marching orders to begin. Isabella is unaware of the next stage, Gregorio and I need to come up with the next game so please do not mention anything to her.

There is plenty of joy and laughter in the household, the girls are enjoying all the visitors and missing those who have already left. The little gourmande is enjoying prosciutto and mozzarella di bufala this week.

Thank you for your continued support.

Emma & Gregorio xxx


Anonymous said...

Ciao Emma, ancora una volta grazie per continuare ad aggiornare questo blog, soprattutto ora che anch'io sono passata tra quelli che vi sono vicini da lontano! Isabella continua a dare prova della sua forza, è davvero una bambina straordinaria. Il mio pensiero è sempre con lei e con voi. Un abbraccio

Anonymous said...

Carissimi, anche da noi un grazie per continuare a tenerci aggiornati. Preghiamo sempre per un pronto recupero di Isabella, e che il Signore continui a darvi la forza di continuare cosi' come state facendo: siete davvero dei grandi! Un abbraccio affettuoso da tutti noi, Giorgio, Deborah, Filippo e Matteo

Anonymous said...

Carissimi inutile dirvi che seguiamo sempre con apprensione le vostre notizie ma sempre fiduciosi e ottimisti.
Vi siamo vicini con tanto affetto e sogniamo che un giorno le piccole Impavido possano incontrare i piccoli Varda per vivere insieme dei bei momenti come hanno fatto ai tempi loro i nonni Impavido e Varda con i piccoli Giorgio e Ghio. Vi lasciamo, ma solo per stassera, con questo bel sogno! Un grande abbraccio Paola e Aldo

Anonymous said...

Thinking about you all every day. Much love

Anonymous said...

Carissimi, volevamo dirvi che nonostante la lontananza, vi siamo molto vicini. Ci siamo ricordati tanto dei giorni in cui ci siamo conosciuti ai corsi preparto del Sibley. Grazie al vostro blog riusciamo a seguirvi per cui continuate!
Da Lussembourgo, la comunita ex-Washington vi pensa spesso.
Un bacio enorme,
Filippo, Gabriela, Emilia e Giulia Zanzi

sobrequilha said...

Caríssimos Impavido,

Com a vossa ajuda e a força do pensamento solidário de todos os que convosco rezam, a Princesa Isabella - uma verdadeira Impavido - resistirá à tempestade e chegará a porto seguro.

Um abraço apertado,
Noélia e Jui

Anonymous said...

Emma & Gregorio - thinking of you. Sally, Rik, George & Iona xx

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you all - I mean. You will get through it even though it seems like a long haul but just keep going. Sally, Rik George & Iona

Anonymous said...

Un grandissimo abbraccio. Vi pensiamo tanto.
Fabiana, Domenico, Ludovica e Leonardo

parkerstergis said...

Glad to hear that the next step sounds manageable, and that there won't be too much in the way of side effects. I am sure she will handle it beautifully. We are thinking of you all often, and hope that the next few days go smoothly. The hospital and staff sound fantastic - and will, I am sure, make things as easy as possible for you all. With love and hugs, Emma, Yanni, Anna and George xxxx