Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Apricots Have Never Tasted Better
Thanksgiving. Thursday , November 27, 2008.
For us, Thanksgiving has suddenly acquired a new meaning. After ten years, we have stopped observing our friends celebrate something that only a few months ago seemed curious, ritualistic and somewhat distant. We have finally left our Mayflower behind and started understand what these shores mean for our family: the generosity, the compassion, altruism and love of so many close and seemingly distant colleagues, friends, relatives and even strangers.
To all of you, we are indebted for the food at the door, the night at the concert, the play dates, the words of support, the hard work at home, the phone calls, the physical presence here after hours of uncomfortable flights, the gourmet restaurant catering, the unsolicited references, the professional medical advice, the never ending prayers, and for so much more. To Isabella, we are indebted for allowing us to show her and ourselves we can be better parents. We will never be irritated for missing the next train to go on holiday or for any banal inconvenience, of which life is so full. Every day, every blade of grass in our patch, is now brighter, greener and more meaningful. Everything is purely strepitoso and even simple things like apricots taste now so much better. Pirandello was right!
We still have a long way to go, but it is the journey that defines who we are and we will travel this road with your unyielding support. Here you are (and surely we have missed many; we have not even included all the girls' friends), together with all your families, friends and communities: our wall!
Adriana S., Alberto M., Aldo V., Alejandra M., Aleš Č., Alessandra B., Alessandra D., Alessandro P., Alessandro S., Alex M., Alfredo L., Ali S., Alismond L., Allen P., Alnere T., Amanda Y., Amy K., Andrea Perso., Andrea P., Andrea R., Andrew C., Andrew S., Angela B., Angela D., Angelo R., Anna G., Antonella S., Antonia V., Ariella T., Augusto d., Axel B., Aydin, Barbara M., Barbora Č., Barry J., Ben C., Bepi D., Bethan A., Betsy F., Billy N., Bonizella B., Brian J., Bridget, Bryan S., Carla D., Carlo C., Carlo I., Carlo P., Carlo S., Caroline S., Caroline W., Carolyn T., Cecilia C., Ceyla P., Charlotte F., Chase P., Cheryl E., Chiara A., Chloe C., Chris R., Christy E., Claire C., Concetta, Costa S., Dana S., Daniela C., Dave C., David D., David F., David M., David M., David P., David W., Dean P., Debbie L., Deborah V., Denisse Y., Deniz B., Dimitri V., Domenico L., Dominique S., Durelle L., Ed C., Ed Y., Edda O., Elaine R., Elaine S., Eleni Z., Elvira M., Emanuela D., Emanuela G., Emanuela G., Emanuele S., Emilia I., Emily B., Emily G., Emily P., Emma D., Emma G., Emma P., Enrico M., Enrico T., Enrique P., Eric L., Esperanza L., Eve D., Fabiana V., Fabrizio R., Fausto S., Federica R., Feno M., Filippo Z., Fiona U., Flora C., Florence D., Florence S., Fran B., Frances D., Francesco P., Francesco R., François F., Fred P., Fulvio D., Gabe S., Gabriela Z., Garry C., Giampiero T., Giancarla L., Gianna I., Gigi R., Gill, Gillian J., Giorgio V., Giovanni D., Giovanni M., Giovanni V., Giulia L., Grazia v., Gustavo D., Hazel P., Helen A., Hemant S., Hope H., Horacio T., Humberto L., Ian A., Ian T., Ilse H., Ingrid R., Isabella V., James P., Janet D., Janet V., Janie C., Jean C., Jean G., Jean Pierre v., Jeanette, Jen J., Jennifer E., Jenny R., Jeppe L., Jerry P., Joel G., Johanna F., Juana, Jude P., Judith R., Jui C., Juliet C., Justin M., Karen E., Karl D., Karol J., Kat J., Kate S., Katie S., Katy P., Kerrie R., Kit B., LaDonna D., Larry G., Laura O., Laura V., Lauren T., Laurent v., Lawrence H., Leigh F., Lele L., Leslie P., Limor F., Linda E., Livia v., Liza H., Lorenzo G., Luc L., Luca R., Lucy C., Lucy H., Lynn G., Maddalena H., Maia K., Makhtar D., Mangal G., Manuel G., Manuel P., Mara S., Maria Elena T., Marie-Isabelle C., Marie-Rose L., Marina L., Marion W., Mark D., Markus L., Marla B., Martin, Martin C., Marty G., Mary M., MaryBeth M., Marzia K., Massimiliano P., Mathew R., Matt F., Maurizio B., Maurizio G., Max V., Meg, Mel, Michael C., Michael L., Michelle K., Mike B., Mike D., Mike E., Milena P., Mireille S., Mirella I., Miss C., Molly C., Monica S., Mrs J., Mrs L., Nadia S., Nancy H., Nannette V., Natalia P., Nicola L., Nicola N., Nicola S., Nikolas Z., Nirmaleen J., Noelia C., Olga S., Oseas R., Pamela O., Paola B., Paola V., Paolo, Paolo D., Penny F., Penny F., Perolo P., Persa, Peter G., Peter H., Peter L., Peter W., Phoebe C., Phyllis F., Phyllis K., Piercarlo B., Piers N., Pilar, Pilar B., Pippa N., Rachel H., Raffaello C., Randall D., Randall S., Rebecca M., Regitze L., Rianne, Richard H., Rik S., Roberto C., Roberto G., Roberto O., Roberto P., Roberto R., Roberto S., Rodney L., Rodney S., Roger P., Romana D., Rory, Rosanna P., Rosanna T., Rose H., Rosemarie, Roshini P., Rosi R., Ross, Ross D., Sabrina C., Sabrina F., Sally D., Sally G., Sally S., Samantha H., Sandra, Sandra R., Sandy, Sarah Jane M., Sarah M., Sarah S., Sarah S., Saverio A., Sean R., Sharon, Sheila H., Sheila T., Silvia M., Silvia Q., Simon B., Simon D., Simon F., Simona C., Simonetta M., Sofia P., Sophie A., Stacie B., Stefania F., Stelios Z., Suchelle R., Susan M., Susana D., Susie P., Tarcisio M., Tatiana, Themis Z., Thomas T., Thymi V., Tiffany M., Tobey M., Tommaso L., Val M., Valle P., Whitney K., Wyatt R., Yanni S., Yelda G., Zsofia A.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Gregorio & Emma
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Round 5: Scherzo: Molto Vivace

This week a dear friend, who is a pianist, kindly invited us to one of her concerts. She said she was personally dedicating the piece to Isabella. The third lively movement certainly summed up Isabella's attitude this week.
Last Wednesday she decided she wanted to tell the class why she was loosing her hair. She sat in front of the whole class and explained very matter of fact that her special medicine was causing it to all fall out. By Monday she was pretty much bald underneath her scarf. She told Miss S. that she wanted to show the class. And so she sat in front of them and showed them all. When asked if it would grow back, she replied "yes and I think it might grow back pink this time!" Apparently they were all in fits of laughter. When she showed them her scar across her head, the boys rose to the occasion and started showing off their latest scars. Kids are amazing.
The next day at swimming, Isabella got changed into her costume and then whipped off her scarf ready to jump into the pool. The other kids barely batted an eyelid at her new look. They just see Isabella. What more could a worrying parent ask for? Though, I know exactly what the adults present were feeling. Childhood innocence is such a beautiful thing.
As in previous weeks the past three or four days have been very good, though she does get increasingly tired at the end of the day. Last Friday we had a little drama when a high temperature revealed an infection so we were back at the hospital for antibiotics by IV. This was temporary and we were quickly back on track.
Isabella is much more in control of the situation. She is talking a lot about what is going on. She is a woman after all :). At her tap class she seemed to sit there the whole time and tell the teacher and her friend all about what was going on. They were so sympathetic; I could see Isabella was enjoying talking all about it.
Undoubtedly, she is getting fed up with having to keep going back to the hospital week after week but today we are half way through the first session. The final one will be on Christmas eve and then we get a month off! Today she only had one drug - the vincristine which took a matter of minutes to administer and thankfully we had St. Jeanette to access the port, none of the trauma of last Thursday and Friday. There should be less nausea with just the vincristine and hopefully it will take less out of her.
Now we are taking it easy and looking forward to seeing the Cirque de Soleil at the week-end and Thanksgiving next Thursday.
Lots of love to you all,
Emma & Gregorio xxx
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Round 4

Isabella was knocked sideways by round 3 last week. Added to that she began treatment for the precocious puberty. There were quite a lot of issues to deal with physically, mentally and esthetically. We are still working out how to best manage the major side effects. Last week-end, Isabella was a mere shadow of her former self, there was no sparkle in her eyes. And then Monday arrived and she bounced back and had three great days at school with her friends. This was very reassuring.
Wednesday night she lapped up penne al pesto, the first decent meal she had eaten in over a week. The european collection of elder females present were heartened by the sight. I think the Greek entertainment definitely helped!
Today we were back at the oncology clinic for round four. Isabella has the routine down to a fine art. We try and cruise in first to the clinic at 7:45, today we were number 2. After we've checked in and checked on the number of fish in the fish tank, one of the nice nurses takes her vital signs. This week she did loose some weight. Then we wait to see the neurologist, the oncologist and finally the nurses arrive to access her port and draw blood. Despite the aneasthetic cream there is always a moment of panic. But St Debby is ever there with her hands ready to be squeezed during the quick procedure. Then we are free to enjoy the art room or the playroom. When the blood tests come back we are then given the all clear to proceed to our 'pod' of choice where we settle in and do some homework, reading and DVD watching - Tinkerbell today. Finally the chemotherapy is concocted and the nurse begins the process which takes about 1.5 hours. All this time, Isabella is happy, she knows the routine, the nurses make it fun. Today we saw the clowns again and we met her neurosurgeon, whom she adores in the art room.
We got home for a hearty lunch at 1pm, Isabella then took it easy. After last week, we decided rushing to school for such a short time was not worth it. We tried taking her to Italian classes this afternoon but she didn't last long. She was not happy and the aches and pains and tiredness were kicking in. She declined my roast pork and mashed potato for supper and went straight to sleep. She is getting increasingly tired but still she is coping incredibly well, all things considered. Tomorrow is another day. In fact, we are looking forward to the class assembly - she'll be the elephant trainer in the circus. Followed by pizza lunch and the Fall Festival.
She has adjusted to shorter hair but is ressembling papa more and more. On Tuesday we started wearing scarves. Here are the two sisters sporting their latest look on the way to school. Any opportunity to dress up and young Matilde is there!
We are contemplating our headwear, Isabella does feel the cold but doesn't want an itchy wool hat indoors. I know some pretty cotton hats are on their way from South Africa, thank you. A dear supporter of team Impavido has come up with a lovely idea. If you have some interesting scarves or pieces of material perhaps you would like to send them to Isabella. Each piece will represent a story, a virtual hug and symbol of strength for Isabella from around the world when she wears your scarf.
Thank you to Miss E for this idea and all of you for your continued support. You really do all give us strength with your messages, calls and presents.
Emma & Gregorio. xxx
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Hair today, gone tomorrow?

Yesterday Isabella's hair started falling out so we all went to the barbers this morning. Isabella was a little upset to loose her long plaits (braids) but seems to enjoy the chic French look she is sporting now. Realistically it will be probably somewhat thinner within a couple of days. But she's getting used to the idea. It's autumn, the leaves are falling and so is our hair.
Luckily there are certain members of the Impavido household with limited hair on top. And this morning, Gregorio decided to go full out for the Kojak look. They make a great team. Here they are post hair cut with their chupa chup prize.
Luckily there are certain members of the Impavido household with limited hair on top. And this morning, Gregorio decided to go full out for the Kojak look. They make a great team. Here they are post hair cut with their chupa chup prize.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Round 3: Yes we can!
Isabella is cruising through the rounds.
We are learning to manage the side effects, by and large she is continuing life as her normal happy self. She was pleased to be back at school this week. Unfortunately today's session at the clinic only gave her an hour at school, but we'll be back bright and breezy tomorrow we hope.
It still seems like a long road for some of us, but when there are those moments of doubt about whether we will make it, there's that now famous phrase: "YES WE CAN!"
On hearing the news that Obama had won (we whispered in her ear at midnight) her eyes opened and she smiled and said "yeah!"
We are learning to manage the side effects, by and large she is continuing life as her normal happy self. She was pleased to be back at school this week. Unfortunately today's session at the clinic only gave her an hour at school, but we'll be back bright and breezy tomorrow we hope.
It still seems like a long road for some of us, but when there are those moments of doubt about whether we will make it, there's that now famous phrase: "YES WE CAN!"
On hearing the news that Obama had won (we whispered in her ear at midnight) her eyes opened and she smiled and said "yeah!"
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