Isabella was knocked sideways by round 3 last week. Added to that she began treatment for the precocious puberty. There were quite a lot of issues to deal with physically, mentally and esthetically. We are still working out how to best manage the major side effects. Last week-end, Isabella was a mere shadow of her former self, there was no sparkle in her eyes. And then Monday arrived and she bounced back and had three great days at school with her friends. This was very reassuring.
Wednesday night she lapped up penne al pesto, the first decent meal she had eaten in over a week. The european collection of elder females present were heartened by the sight. I think the Greek entertainment definitely helped!
Today we were back at the oncology clinic for round four. Isabella has the routine down to a fine art. We try and cruise in first to the clinic at 7:45, today we were number 2. After we've checked in and checked on the number of fish in the fish tank, one of the nice nurses takes her vital signs. This week she did loose some weight. Then we wait to see the neurologist, the oncologist and finally the nurses arrive to access her port and draw blood. Despite the aneasthetic cream there is always a moment of panic. But St Debby is ever there with her hands ready to be squeezed during the quick procedure. Then we are free to enjoy the art room or the playroom. When the blood tests come back we are then given the all clear to proceed to our 'pod' of choice where we settle in and do some homework, reading and DVD watching - Tinkerbell today. Finally the chemotherapy is concocted and the nurse begins the process which takes about 1.5 hours. All this time, Isabella is happy, she knows the routine, the nurses make it fun. Today we saw the clowns again and we met her neurosurgeon, whom she adores in the art room.
We got home for a hearty lunch at 1pm, Isabella then took it easy. After last week, we decided rushing to school for such a short time was not worth it. We tried taking her to Italian classes this afternoon but she didn't last long. She was not happy and the aches and pains and tiredness were kicking in. She declined my roast pork and mashed potato for supper and went straight to sleep. She is getting increasingly tired but still she is coping incredibly well, all things considered. Tomorrow is another day. In fact, we are looking forward to the class assembly - she'll be the elephant trainer in the circus. Followed by pizza lunch and the Fall Festival.
She has adjusted to shorter hair but is ressembling papa more and more. On Tuesday we started wearing scarves. Here are the two sisters sporting their latest look on the way to school. Any opportunity to dress up and young Matilde is there!
We are contemplating our headwear, Isabella does feel the cold but doesn't want an itchy wool hat indoors. I know some pretty cotton hats are on their way from South Africa, thank you. A dear supporter of team Impavido has come up with a lovely idea. If you have some interesting scarves or pieces of material perhaps you would like to send them to Isabella. Each piece will represent a story, a virtual hug and symbol of strength for Isabella from around the world when she wears your scarf.
Thank you to Miss E for this idea and all of you for your continued support. You really do all give us strength with your messages, calls and presents.
Emma & Gregorio. xxx
You continue to impress us all with your amazing strength and attitude. It was great to see 3 generations of the family laughing at the assembly today! Lets hope the material/ bandana idea takes off- and when there is no longer the need for them, we can sew them all together to make Isabella a blanket/cover so that she will remember the positive love and support that she had from around the world during this time.
Wishing you a calm and restful weekend
Much love
Miss E xx
Carissimi, e' un po' che non ci sentiamo... ma siete sempre nei nostri cuori e nei nostri pensieri. Siamo sicuri che tutto passera' e le cose andranno per il meglio! E sicuramente il bandana-look e' sempre di moda! Un bacione a super-Isabella, un abbraccio a tutti voi e in gamba come sempre! Giorgio, Deborah, Filippo e un saluto speciale da Matteo che e' qui sulle mie gambe e molto interessato al computer :-)
Dal telefono all'e-mail personale, finalmente anche io cavernicola n. 1, entro nel blog, dal momento che è diventato il quaderno- diario delle vicende della famiglia di cui noi facciamo parte. Ho un'ammirazione sconfinata per il coraggio e la maturità di Isabella, per il ritmo pieno di forza e di vitalità che Emma riesce ad imprimere in tutta la famiglia, per l'energia pensosa delle sue responsabilità con cui Ghio affronta giorno per giorno le fatiche quotidiane. Mi fa tenerezza Matilde che inconsapevole, forsa chiedendosi tanti perchè, segue le vicende della sorellina. Vi pensiamo ogni giorno e ogni momento cercando di seguire i vostri passi. Siamo anche con i nonni che vivono attimo per attimo la battaglia che si sta combattendo. Un bacio affettuoso a tutti da Gioggi e Fulvio.
Approfitto anche io visto che sono l'informatico delegato a scrivere quello che mamma pensa, per ribadire quanto la mia famiglia vi è vicina, anche se i km che ci separano sono davvero tanti.
un grosso bacio a Isabella.
Paolo, Manu, Giulia e Davide
Lovely photo of the girls! Mati is so grown up!! Glad to hear Isabella is holding her own. 4 down, 6 to go. Nearly half-way!! It must be a huge shock to her system, but she's doing great if she bounces back each week in time for school on Monday! Anna is upstairs as I write, looking for a nice scarf to send to Isabella. We call her Anna Bandana in the summer, so there are plenty to choose from! Did the drawing arrive? Hope so. As always sending all our love and kisses. You are in my thoughts every day. And do know you can call whenever you like. Sod the time difference!! (I mean it!)
Emma P xxxxx
mi dispiace tanto che domani non ci possiamo vedere....spero tanto di potervi salutare presto e riabbracciarvi tutti....
un bacione
Fabiana, Domenico & Co.
God bless the wonderful hospital who is so sensitive to Isabella.
And God bless her parents as well.
I will certainly look through my fabric pile. For years I have been saving pieces of pretty material to make doll clothes for a possible grandaughter. As you know, that has not happened.
Love and God's peace to dear Isabella.
Nancy HOlder
Cari Impavidi,
Continuiamo a leggere con affetto e commozione i vostri racconti; ci state dando un esempio e un ispirazione di come una famiglia dovrebbe essere.
Em mandera' una delle sue tante scarfs a Isabella presto; io saro' in Italia per Thankgsgiving e ne cerchero' una "super cooool" per una "super coooool girl".
Vorremo vedervi quando possibile, ma capiamo che possa essere difficile per voi quindi magari fateci sapere quando vi va bene.
A presto, continuate cosi'. Il primo passo per sconfiggere la malattia e' crederci, e voi siete in deciso vantaggio su quel fronte.
Piercarlo & Emily
"Somewhere in the Universe a star shines just for you, sending out its loving warmth, sharing its healing light."
Still thinking of you all. Looks like Gregorio will need a hat in this weather! Dear Isabella shows continued spirit by the sound of things and that is inspiration to us all. Hope to catch up soon.
Much Love
Ian Sophie, George and Ollie
dearest all
Cornish scarf on its way. fabulous thought as i am at loss to know what to do and this helps - the girls look as stylish as always in their new headwear.
it is such a thoughful and tender way in which you write to us all -thank you.
big kisses and hugs -from girl power in the uk
P, S, R and P xxx
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