Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Forza Impavido

We are overwhelmed by your support at us taking a Sunday morning jog! In case you missed the news, Gregorio and I are taking part in th 5K run to raise money for brain cancer research on Sunday May 3rd. A number of you are joining the run with us here in DC, many will be lining the route to cheer us on, others are doing their own run in others parts of the world. At 10 am there is also a Kids Fun run which the girls and some friends will participate in.

And your donations have been rolling in. Thank you. The power of the internet and the ability to reach you all so quickly. Just in case you haven't donated yet and you have a few spare dollars lying under your mattress, loosing value in this economy, consider this cause, your generosity will greatly benefit the lives of others. It is not too late to donate, even if you are reading this after May 3rd. You can donate up to September 30th 2009. Please log onto the website http://www.curebraintumors.org/ and search for Gregorio or I, let me know if you have any difficulty donating. No donation is too small. So far we have raised approx $4,000. Fantastic.

Today we are at the hospital for the first round of cycle 3. The doctors reiterated the good news from the MRI and showed us the visual evidence. There has been significant reduction up to 50% in some areas. It is really good to see and hear this news. We will continue with the current regime as she is tolerating it well and it is having a significant effect on those weeds. Another 6 cycles will take us to early 2010. We will get there.

Go Team Impavido

Lots of love,
Emma and Gregorio xxx

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