Monday, June 1, 2009

Back to normal....

Time ran away and I forgot to update you on the news. Isabella did have surgery on Friday 22nd May to remove the broken port. Poor thing had 7 pokes in about 24 hours what with injections, IVs and attempts to draw blood from the broken port.

Given that she had a fever and was neutropenic they were not able to insert a new port. We are currently awaiting a date when the surgeon and the operating theater (OR) are available. We are hoping to push the date off for as long as possible as Isabella is now on a break from chemo. They decided to simply omit the last round of the cycle.

Isabella came out of hospital eventually on Saturday 23rd (it took them 3 hours to get all the paperwork in order and the girls were nearly tearing the place down). We were home in time to welcome Simon and Florence whom Gregorio had collected from the airport and start the Angelina Ballerina Twirling Butterfly party. A success and great time was had by all 5 year olds thanks to those who helped out with the fun.

We had a fun week with Simon and Florence during our half term break despite the rain and more rain. And finally on Saturday we were able to jump in the pool and officially declare the beginning of summer!

Isabella is due to start cycle number 4 on June 11. At the end of which we will be half way there. We are getting there.

Emma and


Ed Caesar said...

Hi guys - wishing you lots of love from Queen's Park. Happy Birthday Mati, and baci for Isabella.

Ed and Chloe

Suze Millar said...

Hello lovelies

Quick note to say you're in my thoughts. Hope all is going as well as possible...

Big kiss to you all!



Paola said...

sono riuscita finalmente a leggere tutto "l'arretrato". Avete tutta la nostra ammirazione per la forza e la serenità che mostrate nell'affrontare questo pesante cammino.Non possiamo purtroppo far altro che condividere con Voi le gioie dei momenti belli e l'ansia di quelli più difficili. Io Vi ricordo sempre nelle mie preghiere e vi sono vicina con affetto. Auguri a Matilde per i suoi 5 anni e un particolare abbraccio alla grintosissima Isabella.
Dobbiamo fare incontrare i nostri piccoli, Filippo ha 5 anni e 4 mesi mentre Matteo ha poco più di 1 anno.
La prossima settimana andremo in Inghilterra e sono felice perché è da Natale che non li vedo e sono veramente in crisi di astinenza.
Vi abbraccio insieme ad Aldo