Thursday, November 12, 2009

Another busy week

We seemed to spend most of the week-end in the ER. Isabella had a fever and so a visit to Children's on Saturday and Sunday was in order. It had been some time since we'd had an ER visit. Thankfully accessing the port was done by one of the in-patient oncology nurses and without any trouble. Not sure whether we feared that more or less than the possibility of worse infection by being in the ER.

This week our pediatricians thankfully tracked down a dose of H1N1 vaccination for Isabella but unfortunately with the cold and cough that developped after her fever at the week-end she still cannot receive the shot yet. It may be too late as there are already some cases of H1N1 in the class. Che sera sera....

Today her blood counts are low, most likely as a result of the fever/cold she has been dealing with. She is getting half dose today of both carboplatin and vincristine. Finger's crossed we can keep her healthy and her counts can bounce up a little by next Thursday for the final session of
round 7. The doctors know we are focused on getting that final session of cycle 8 completed on December 31st and then we will wake up in a NEW YEAR.

Last night we had a very successful fundraising jewellery party at our house. Thanks to all those ladies who came and bought and are still buying. 50% of the profits are going to the Brain
Tumor Institute here at the hospital. Isabella proudly told the doctors that we had raised $500 so far. On Friday at the school Fall Festival the student council (which Isabella is a part of) has decided that this year's charity will also be the Brain Tumor Institute. We are honoured that this
valuable body of experts carrying out important brain tumor research has been selected. It feels good to give something back to those who have helped us at Children's and to future sufferers.

It has been a slow morning here at Children's on this rainy day in DC. Two of the clowns came by (with the third in the background, out of costume, just observing). We hardly recognised Dr JJ in real clothes and neither Isabella nor I could talk to him without laughing.

The coming week promises spectacular performances. We will be allowed into Matilde's ballet class to observe all she has learnt this term. She is very excited. Isabella meanwhile, is getting ready for her school musical production during the Thanksgiving week.

Just 5 sessions to go. The end is nigh.

Lots of love,
Emma and Gregorio. xxx

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