Wednesday, December 16, 2009

North Pole

Believe it or not we went to the North Pole last Saturday. We only told the girls just before bedtime on Friday that we were going somewhere happy up north. Matilde's face was a picture, her eyes popped out and her jaw dropped "not the North Pole?!" Needless to say they immediately ran off to pack a bag of essentials. We had to check in at Dulles airport at 7 am on Saturday. We proceeded through security with our boarding passes to gate D7. While we waited, there were elves to entertain and paint faces. We even had an overbooking situation to add to the authentic airport experience. On board the crew kept up the jolly theme from the decor to the safety demo said to the poem ''Twas the night before Christmas'. Thankfully we had special North Pole Jet fuel on board and were able to make the journey in 25 mins [yes we really were flying!] Captain Bob kindly kept the radio on the loud speaker so that we could follow the journey. "This is Captain Bob, do we have clearance to land?" "Ho ho ho, yes you do" came back the reply "follow the red nose in to the gate!" We emerged [at Gate D29] and were greeted to a chorus of fairies, jugglers, elves, the works. We even found Papa', who had managed to get another flight and meet us there directly! The highlight of course, was sitting on Father Christmas' knee and receiving a bagful of goodies. A truly magical morning for all. The fact that we then walked out of the shaded area of D29 and took the people mover back to the main terminal didn't seem to enter their minds.

United Airlines has been offering these flights of fantasy for many years at a number of locations around the US and other parts of the world. My opinion of United has changed. They provided a very happy day for over 200 people.
Who were the lucky ones? Sick children and their families from the Washington DC area. This is just another example of the happiness many charitable organisations bring to children with cancer. Thank you to all of you who donate
or vounteer for one of these supportive organisations. A child's smile wipes away all the crap they have to endure.

Nurse Kathy and Debbie accessed the port very quickly this morning. They seemed to have discovered the magic position. Blood counts still pretty high, full dose of carbo and half of vincristine administered. Record breaking visit in and out in just four hours. So Isabella is already back at school, wearing her latest gift from the hospital - a hat that reads "Cancer Fears Me!" Of course she believes in the sentiment but she did also see her fellow patient, 12 year old Michael last week and he was wearing one!

Highlights to look forward to this coming week include a visit to ICE at the National Harbor. Ice sculptors from around the world have created a winter wonderland with ice slides, lights, music and more. A chilly 9 F inside so we'll be wrapping up warm. Then there's the Garden of Lights, some mince pie baking and the making of glitter creations and maybe a Carol service at the National Cathedral to balance the meaning of Christmas. In case you hadn't realized we LOVE this time of year with all the fun activities there are to do in the DC area, well who doesn't?

A big snow storm is forecast on Saturday so we are pulling out the thermals and waxing down the skis. We might hit the slopes on Sunday and escape the Christmas shopping maddness.

We are still behaving for the Elf on the Shelf.

Just in case you've lost track there are just TWO sessions to go. More next week.

Happy Christmas,

Lots of love
Emma & Gregorio xxx


chickytava said...

Emma -- I assume you are the primary author here... I just want you to know that I really enjoy your updates every week. You are a great writer!

I loved this week's entry... I had no idea that United put together those North Pole trips. What a great idea and really nice to do for the kids. My dad was a pilot with United till he retired so it's good to know the company is doing something to give back.

Anyway, happy holidays and thanks for keeping us all in the loop. I don't leave comments very often, but I'm still reading and wishing you all the best... and especially Isabella.


Angela said...

Cara Emma, sono contenta di leggere le vostre avventure, siete davvero bravissimi nel trovare sempre nuove attività per intrattenere e distrarre le bambine. Vi auguro un bellissimo Natale e spero che il 2010 sia pieno delle buone notizie che vi meritate. Con affetto, Angela

Silvia said...

Carissimi Emma and Gregorio,

Come assidua lettrice di questo fantastico blog, volevo cogliere l'occasione per farvi i piu' sinceri auguri per un Natale sereno ed uno splendido 2010.

Un grosso abbraccio e grazie per continuare a tenerci aggiornati con tanta assiduita' e fantasia.
