Thursday, April 22, 2010

All stable

We know many of you have been waiting to hear the results of the latest MRI. Well it is good news, the tumor is all stable, no change. Full steam ahead with our plans for this summer!

Many of you know that waiting, or rather patience, is not one of my fortes. So each time an MRI looms there is a certain tension and a total inertia to do,  decide or plan anything. Thankfully (well perhaps that is not the right word) an unpronouncable volcano in Iceland decided to cause havoc to European airspace this past week and the fall out has kept me extremely busy, dealing with stranded travelers in London and Amsterdam. Quite incredible that a volcano in this day and age provided non-stop bloody fun,  to quote a friend and former colleague in the business! I am pleased that the latest challenge to the travel industry is coming to a close and our home life will find an equilibrium once more. It is bad enough with the iphone buzzing on Gregorio's side of the bed at all hours, with the latest revision to a proposal!

We are very grateful to all those who have sponsored us or are joining us in the Race for Hope on May 2nd here in DC. See one of the postings below for full details if you haven't yet donated to the valuable cause to find a cure for brain cancer.

More news at the end of June after the next MRI. That's all for now, Gregorio says I have gone too cerebral!

Lots of love,
Emma & Gregorio xxx

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