Thursday, November 4, 2010

Rock Stable!

These were the words that Dr P told us in the corridor this morning. "Don't worry, the MRI looks great. Sit down, I'll be in to talk to you and see Isabella in a minute" Complete relief, breathe, whip out the iphone to update everyone, but sadly I forgot to charge it last night, hence the delay in the update!  The tumor is totally stable, her neurological tests and her eye tests were all completely normal. They reconfirmed our opinion "Isabella looks great!" So we are off for another three months when we return for the next check up. And another piece of good news: Isabella's weight gain has slowed down and she has grown in height. Our hard work on this front has paid off.

We were sorry to discover today that one of the lovely nurse practitioners is going through a similar experience with a newborn baby girl. The short exchange of words was very empathetic and Isabella gave her an enormous hug. Being in the clinic it is hard to see some of the other  children who are worse off than Isabella. We are lucky and are thankful that Isabella reacted so well to treatment and we have enjoyed 2010 without further treatment or great worry. With each MRI we wonder when this will all change.

We have said it before, but the staff at Children's are amazing, they truly know how to manage us all. It was a routine check-up but needless to say, we were very anxious to hear the results. Gregorio only got back late last night and despite all your questions of concern I could not bring myself to contact the hospital for the results without Gregorio around. So we were grateful to immediately hear that all was OK.

It was good to see everyone in the clinic but as we told them all "life has been great, given that we haven't seen you for four months!" They understand. Even Dr Baldy the clown came by and specifically went to find his fellow baldy friend, Gregorio. A quiet smile and "it is really good to see you!" was very touching.

Back to carpe diem in the Impavido household and we are truly busy having lots of fun.  We are gearing up to Nutcracker performances, end of term performances at school and so much more.

I might not write until the next MRI at the end of January ...but you never in the meantime Happy Holidays to all our friends near and far.

Emma, Gregorio, Isabella and Matilde. xxx

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