While May was filled with sports days, choral recitals, a Brazilian wedding, having fun with the grandparents and Matilde's sleepover birthday party - oh yes we had nine seven year olds camped out in the playroom - June has been about Shenandoah camp for Isabella, a sleepover at the beach for Matilde, Music Theory exams for Isabella, and the non-stop parties. Is it possible that SO many kids were born in May and June? Of course not, but so many people disappear for the summer, they have to be crammed in before Independence day. So then there are all the gatherings with friends before they escape the Washington humidity and mosquitoes and this year quite a few of these gatherings are tinged with sadness. Gregorio and I are quasi-Washingtonian at this point (13 and 11 years respectively) and we are now witnessing another wave of departures. We are bidding a sad farewell to some good friends, some returning to Europe, some to more distant climes.
As you can see, it is non-stop running from one event to another, so you are asking where is the mental challenge? Isn't getting myself dressed, remembering to put my deodorant on (let alone make-up) and getting to work enough? How many more lists do I need to make? I am beginning to lose track: who needs piano books today? who needs a permission slip to go on a trip? have I bought a birthday present for the latest party? I need a babysitter for tonight? Oh darn we've forgotten to give Isabella's monthly medication. You know the list goes on.

And talking about smiles - they are beginning to spread across our faces as we see our prize the other side of the finishing line, the marathon is almost over for the year - yes we are about to take off for Canada. We will be in Calgary for the opening of the Calgary Stampede. "The Greatest Outdoor show on earth. Where ordinary people become cowboys!" We'll see the opening parade, the Rodeo, chuckwagon races and we're going line dancing at the place where the stampede cowboys hang out - and we'll be wearing our cowboy boots!! Matilde is planning on strutting up to that famous British couple who are also going to be there in her cowboy boots and hat and saying "hey, how you doin'? We're English too!" Watch the press! From Calgary we are heading up into the Rockies to enjoy the fresh air, amazing scenery and wildlife in Banff and Jasper and then we'll drive across country to Vancouver. I'm sure we'll have a few photos and stories to share later in the summer.
Oh and Isabella is doing really well. She is a growing up into a lovely happy and considerate girl. In fact she is a saint, she went on the pirate ship with Matilde. She can now get her curly blonde locks into a pony tail. She is absolutely thrilled about this. This afternoon the Principessa had her ninth birthday party at the pool. I think a great time was had by all. Her crowning glory of the evening was jumping off the high diving board for the first time. And once you've done it once, there's no stopping you. Getting them all out of the pool was difficult. Her next MRI will be at the end of July. We'll keep you posted.
Lots of love,
Emma & Gregorio. xxx
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