Thursday, February 7, 2013

Further shrinkage!

It's been a couple of months since the last MRI, and so yes you are right, it's about time for another MRI (every two months under this study). Last Sunday Isabella was in the tube and today we received the results -  and the good news keeps coming: further shrinkage! Yes the tumor has shrunk further. It is looking less active (the fact that it is taking up very little dye) the cyst seems invisible and the tumor continues to shrink in height and width. Just wonderful to see the pictures.

Of the four children under the study at Children's, Isabella's tumor seems to be responding best to the treatment. Who knows why, but we feel very fortunate. So onwards we go with the twice daily round of pills, dealing with the minor side effects. It is worth it.

We were in and out of the clinic relatively quickly having seen all the key players, reviewed the scans and picked up the next month's worth of medication. And then we skipped back to school and work with a smile on our faces. Here is a photo taken in the waiting room this morning of Isabella and Sofia, a fellow JPA patient on the same study (she has a twin sister called Isabella!)

Half term here next week, otherwise plodding along with this crazy winter - bitterly cold, then unseasonably warm and on we go and a severe lack of snow  - maybe a good thing as we are not skiing this year, given that we are going to China this spring.

Hope all is well with you.
Emma and co. xxx

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