Thursday, May 1, 2014

Today is a good day!

Today is a good day for many reasons:

  • At the hospital today we learnt today that it is almost certain that the trial mek inhibitor drugs Isabella is taking are about to be approved for reuse - I forget the correct term. Basically, Isabella is due to finish her two year trial mid October and beyond that there was an element of uncertainty. With this approval she can be readmitted to the trial and restart the drug, should there be growth to her tumor post October. This is great news, until now there was a nagging feeling at the back of our minds 'what if the tumor regrows, we'll be back to old school chemo'
  • During our monthly visit and collection of medication. We finally agreed on the dates Isabella will need to have medical appointments this summer (it has been a long discussion on what we could and couldn't do because it is a medical trial) and so without further ado I confirmed our flights to Europe. YEAH, summer here we come.
  • Today was a gloriously hot summer's day. On Tuesday I put the heating on in the house and yesterday it bl***y poured and poured, apparently more rain came down yesterday than usually   happens in a month. It has been a long winter and spring has been sporadic but finally it felt good.

So warm sunny weather, summer holiday on the horizon and hope for the future. What more could you ask for? Well, Gregorio is flying home this evening. We've missed him and it has been an intense couple of weeks  - with not very pleasant injury for Mati (thankfully on the mend) and household issues and things to deal with. Not to mention all the usual things that keep us busy at work, school and home.

Gregorio's flying back in time for the Race for Hope on Sunday. We have a strong team again this year. It's never too late to join or support this worthwhile cause in the fight against brain tumors. Go to the website and find our team

Isabella has another MRI towards the end of May. She continues to be well and full of energy. We are gearing up to the end of the school year with tests, piano exams and much more for both Isabella and Mati. It will be another whirlwind couple of months, I am sure. So it feels good to have the summer to look forward to. The girls are excited to be flying one way on their own. They will fly solo for the start of their holidays and arrive in the UK on Independence day! Isabella will actually fly unaccompanied twice as she's returning to DC for about 36 hours mid-holiday to collect more medicine. No fedex was not an option, sadly. 

Lots of love,

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