We have come a long way in a month. We've seen more doctors, surgeons, aneasthesiologists, nurses (in no particular order, you medics) than you can imagine. Each time Isabella smiles and wins them over. Not to mention all the tests, procedures and sugeries Isabella has taken in her stride.
Today the port a cath was inserted successfully. At the last minute a change of surgeon and an explanation of the complications adds a little spice to the game. As always children's hospital are exceptional and we have faith in them. Today we even had clowns to entertain us, while we waited for surgery to begin. Very helpful given that we had 3 hours...
Having completed surgery, we meanered by hospital charriot to the fourth floor to begin the medical version of round up. (Gregorio's weed killer of choice in the garden). Isabella has been told she had a small tube inserted so that we can give her medicine to kill the weeds . And she doesn't have to taste the disgusting medicine..
The chemo took about an hour and half to administer. Isabella enjoyed a film and started dreaming about what nonna had concocted for dinner. As always Isabella has her priorities.
Another long day but round one is behind us. Now we are all sitting on the sofa honing our fighting skills by watching Kung Fu Panda. Matilde and Isabella know all the words. One thing is for sure you won't get this fighter saying I'm not hungry, master"
So far we are reacting well. I am sure we'll sleep well tonight. Possibly school in the morning and then we have the half term week which will be full of tricks and treats.
Tune in next week.
Emma and Gregorio xxx
So glad to hear how brave Isabella is.
You are always in my prayers.
Warmest hugs,
Feno & co.
grazie di tenerci sempre informati.un abbraccio a tutti voi. Samantha
certo è veramente un cammino duro ma la forza di Isabella è sicuramente una cosa straordinaria che aiuterà tutti voi. Vi ricordo sempre nelle mie preghiere e vi porto nel cuore. Da quel che leggo nonna Gianna è con voi e coccolerà Isabella con i suoi piatti appetitosi. Sono felice di sapere che è lì con voi. Vi abbraccio tutti forte forte insieme ad Aldo.
Ciao Paola
Vi pensiamo sempre con tanta ammirazione. Isabella e' una bambina fortissima circondata da persone che la amano infinitamente. Il vostro amore e' la sua forza.
Un grande abbraccio,
Fabiana & Domenico
Still keeping the whole family in my prayers.
Carissimi Impavidos...non so come facciate, ma siete davvero un esempio eccezionale di coraggio e di amore, tutti voi!!! Noi vi pensiamo sempre e vi seguiamo passo,passo attraverso questo blog. Un abbraccio transoeanico
Barbara e Francesco
Carissimi, siamo felici delle buone notizie che ci mandate! Godetevi half term e Halloween... cuor contento, il ciel l'aiuta, come si dice... e sicuramente Isabella ne e' un bellissimo esempio. Un abbraccio affettuoso a tutti voi e, of course, ai nonni Impavido! Love+hugs Giorgio, Deborah, Filippo e Matteo xxx
I don't know if this is helpful or not, but I've been talking to a close friend who's husband has just gone through 9 months of very intensive chemo for a brain tumor, she recommendend this book 'Tree of Life' by Chris Woolams - basically it is the different food can that can help the body fight. Sending all our love Katy & Allen x
So nice running into you yesterday, even though you now know how I manage the cooking :-) Sorry for being a little awkward and choked up. Still, sincerely, let us know if we can help and we would always love to hang out. Sending warm thoughts to all, especially the witch and the princess-flamingo-dancer-something-something!
Love Regitze
Isabella è bellissima e voi siete una famiglia piena di amore. Un abbraccio da Firenze
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