Thursday, October 30, 2008

Round 2: Trick or treat?

Isabella tolerated the first round of chemo well. Last week-end she was understandably up and down following the operation and the chemo. She was affected to some extent by all the minor side effects but by Monday she was back to her normal happy self.

She defied the statistics and even gained weight this week. Apparently not normal for most patients after their first treatment. I am sure helped by Gregorio's cooking. Last night polpo alla luciana (octopus soup) was on the menu. I couldn't stomach it after a colleague's description of his culinary adventures in Vietnam but Isabella lapped it up!

This morning we were back at the oncology clinic for round 2. There was a moment of panic as the port was accessed with a needle for the first time. Thankfully our promise that there would be no pain because of the aneasthetic cream held true. And we settled down for a couple of hours video watching while the drugs were administered.

And then back home for lunch and on with the rest of the day. We're confident she'll tolerate this round better than the last and that the week-end will be full of treats.

Beware there will be a scary witch and a flamenco dancer-cum-princess-cat parading the streets of DC tomorrow evening. The Italian grandparents, experiencing Halloween for the first time, are in for a real treat.

Let's hope that next week brings more treats and no tricks on all fronts.

Emma & Gregorio xxx


Anonymous said...

Forza Isabella! Le cure mediche sono di sicuro efficaci, ma diciamoci la verità gran parte del lavoro lo stanno facendo l'amore incredibile di mamma e papà, i giochi con Matilde e i polpi alla luciana!
Siete proprio gli Impavido, di nome e di fatto. A starvi a guardare stiamo tutti imparando una grande lezione d'amore e di vita.
Un abbraccio transoceanico

Anonymous said...

No tricks but only treats!!!! Va a finire che riuscirò ad imparare l'inglese! Scherzi a parte leggo sempre con apprensione le vostre notizie e ogni volta sento una voglia matta di stringerVi forte per farvi sentire tutto il nostro affetto e la nostra partecipazione. Forza forza forza: è dura ma Isabella ce la farà! Soprattutto perché circondata dal grande affetto di tutti voi...avrei voluto vedere i "compassati" nonni alla festa di Halloween!!!! Mercoledì andremo in Inghilterra dai Vardini. Vi abbraccio forte forte insieme ad Aldo Paola