Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Apricots Have Never Tasted Better
Thanksgiving. Thursday , November 27, 2008.
For us, Thanksgiving has suddenly acquired a new meaning. After ten years, we have stopped observing our friends celebrate something that only a few months ago seemed curious, ritualistic and somewhat distant. We have finally left our Mayflower behind and started understand what these shores mean for our family: the generosity, the compassion, altruism and love of so many close and seemingly distant colleagues, friends, relatives and even strangers.
To all of you, we are indebted for the food at the door, the night at the concert, the play dates, the words of support, the hard work at home, the phone calls, the physical presence here after hours of uncomfortable flights, the gourmet restaurant catering, the unsolicited references, the professional medical advice, the never ending prayers, and for so much more. To Isabella, we are indebted for allowing us to show her and ourselves we can be better parents. We will never be irritated for missing the next train to go on holiday or for any banal inconvenience, of which life is so full. Every day, every blade of grass in our patch, is now brighter, greener and more meaningful. Everything is purely strepitoso and even simple things like apricots taste now so much better. Pirandello was right!
We still have a long way to go, but it is the journey that defines who we are and we will travel this road with your unyielding support. Here you are (and surely we have missed many; we have not even included all the girls' friends), together with all your families, friends and communities: our wall!
Adriana S., Alberto M., Aldo V., Alejandra M., Aleš Č., Alessandra B., Alessandra D., Alessandro P., Alessandro S., Alex M., Alfredo L., Ali S., Alismond L., Allen P., Alnere T., Amanda Y., Amy K., Andrea Perso., Andrea P., Andrea R., Andrew C., Andrew S., Angela B., Angela D., Angelo R., Anna G., Antonella S., Antonia V., Ariella T., Augusto d., Axel B., Aydin, Barbara M., Barbora Č., Barry J., Ben C., Bepi D., Bethan A., Betsy F., Billy N., Bonizella B., Brian J., Bridget, Bryan S., Carla D., Carlo C., Carlo I., Carlo P., Carlo S., Caroline S., Caroline W., Carolyn T., Cecilia C., Ceyla P., Charlotte F., Chase P., Cheryl E., Chiara A., Chloe C., Chris R., Christy E., Claire C., Concetta, Costa S., Dana S., Daniela C., Dave C., David D., David F., David M., David M., David P., David W., Dean P., Debbie L., Deborah V., Denisse Y., Deniz B., Dimitri V., Domenico L., Dominique S., Durelle L., Ed C., Ed Y., Edda O., Elaine R., Elaine S., Eleni Z., Elvira M., Emanuela D., Emanuela G., Emanuela G., Emanuele S., Emilia I., Emily B., Emily G., Emily P., Emma D., Emma G., Emma P., Enrico M., Enrico T., Enrique P., Eric L., Esperanza L., Eve D., Fabiana V., Fabrizio R., Fausto S., Federica R., Feno M., Filippo Z., Fiona U., Flora C., Florence D., Florence S., Fran B., Frances D., Francesco P., Francesco R., François F., Fred P., Fulvio D., Gabe S., Gabriela Z., Garry C., Giampiero T., Giancarla L., Gianna I., Gigi R., Gill, Gillian J., Giorgio V., Giovanni D., Giovanni M., Giovanni V., Giulia L., Grazia v., Gustavo D., Hazel P., Helen A., Hemant S., Hope H., Horacio T., Humberto L., Ian A., Ian T., Ilse H., Ingrid R., Isabella V., James P., Janet D., Janet V., Janie C., Jean C., Jean G., Jean Pierre v., Jeanette, Jen J., Jennifer E., Jenny R., Jeppe L., Jerry P., Joel G., Johanna F., Juana, Jude P., Judith R., Jui C., Juliet C., Justin M., Karen E., Karl D., Karol J., Kat J., Kate S., Katie S., Katy P., Kerrie R., Kit B., LaDonna D., Larry G., Laura O., Laura V., Lauren T., Laurent v., Lawrence H., Leigh F., Lele L., Leslie P., Limor F., Linda E., Livia v., Liza H., Lorenzo G., Luc L., Luca R., Lucy C., Lucy H., Lynn G., Maddalena H., Maia K., Makhtar D., Mangal G., Manuel G., Manuel P., Mara S., Maria Elena T., Marie-Isabelle C., Marie-Rose L., Marina L., Marion W., Mark D., Markus L., Marla B., Martin, Martin C., Marty G., Mary M., MaryBeth M., Marzia K., Massimiliano P., Mathew R., Matt F., Maurizio B., Maurizio G., Max V., Meg, Mel, Michael C., Michael L., Michelle K., Mike B., Mike D., Mike E., Milena P., Mireille S., Mirella I., Miss C., Molly C., Monica S., Mrs J., Mrs L., Nadia S., Nancy H., Nannette V., Natalia P., Nicola L., Nicola N., Nicola S., Nikolas Z., Nirmaleen J., Noelia C., Olga S., Oseas R., Pamela O., Paola B., Paola V., Paolo, Paolo D., Penny F., Penny F., Perolo P., Persa, Peter G., Peter H., Peter L., Peter W., Phoebe C., Phyllis F., Phyllis K., Piercarlo B., Piers N., Pilar, Pilar B., Pippa N., Rachel H., Raffaello C., Randall D., Randall S., Rebecca M., Regitze L., Rianne, Richard H., Rik S., Roberto C., Roberto G., Roberto O., Roberto P., Roberto R., Roberto S., Rodney L., Rodney S., Roger P., Romana D., Rory, Rosanna P., Rosanna T., Rose H., Rosemarie, Roshini P., Rosi R., Ross, Ross D., Sabrina C., Sabrina F., Sally D., Sally G., Sally S., Samantha H., Sandra, Sandra R., Sandy, Sarah Jane M., Sarah M., Sarah S., Sarah S., Saverio A., Sean R., Sharon, Sheila H., Sheila T., Silvia M., Silvia Q., Simon B., Simon D., Simon F., Simona C., Simonetta M., Sofia P., Sophie A., Stacie B., Stefania F., Stelios Z., Suchelle R., Susan M., Susana D., Susie P., Tarcisio M., Tatiana, Themis Z., Thomas T., Thymi V., Tiffany M., Tobey M., Tommaso L., Val M., Valle P., Whitney K., Wyatt R., Yanni S., Yelda G., Zsofia A.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Gregorio & Emma
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Dear Emma & Greg,
Happy Thanksgiving to you all. Vi vogliamo bene.
Ale, Gigi, Luca e Sara
Cari Emma e Gregorio,
happy thanksgiving! Grazie della bellissima lettera, penso che siete davvero speciali, per non parlare di Isabella! Peccato che siamo così lontani...
un forte abbraccio
silvia m.
Happy thanksgiving! How I wish we were closer to you now to be able to lend a hand, an ear to listen or strong shoulder when neccesary. But we continue sending you our love and positive thoughts. Lots of love from Mireille and Massi
Whenever I talk to some who's known us from our “previous life”, I can’t help mentioning three things: (i) Emma and Gregorio look exactly the same; (ii) They have two adorable daughters; (iii) they are amazing parents.
Isabella will brave it out. After all, she is the daughter of Emma and Gregorio Impavido.
Lots of love,
Eliane, Alessandro, Lara and Lucas
One night a man had a dream. He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the Lord. Across the sky flashed scenes from his life. For each scene, he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand: one belonging to him, and the other to the Lord. When the last scene of his life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand. He noticed that many times along the path of his life there was only one set of footprints. He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in his life. This really bothered him and he questioned the Lord about it. "Lord, You said that once I decided to follow you, You'd walk with me all the way. But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life, there is only one set of footprints. I don't understand why when I needed you most you would leave me." The Lord replied,"My son, My precious child, I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I Carried You."
wow, you are blessed to have so many friends - dont know that my wall would be so impressive! Thinking of you all often. Lauren x
Emma, Gregorio,
siamo noi a dovervi ringraziare per l'esempio che ci date per le vostre parole, il coraggio. Piu' vi leggo e piu' mi convinco che siete unici e Isabella è davvero una bambina eccezionale. Avete di che essere orgogliosi!
un abbraggio
Barbara e Francesco
Grazie degli auguri di buon Thanksgiving, che ricambiamo e grazie anche del bellissimo messaggio. Ce ne ricordemo sempre quando il nostro bambino ci svegliera' alle 2 di mattina per l'ennesima poppata.
Se mai avessimo avuto bisogno di un ispirazione come genitori, adesso sappiamo dove trovarla.
Un abbraccio a tutti e alla principessa in particolare. Speriamo di vederci presto.
Piercarlo & Emily
Emma & Gregorio, After going through Cancer last year I realized i had taken most things for granted and vowed to try never to let that happen again (easier said than done) However they say the average person gets up to see the sunrise (on purpose) only 33 times in there lifetime I now make a point to see either the sunrise or the sunset every single day and each time I do I think of princess Isabella and our evening we had this summer! Please tell her I said Hi,I love her and I think of her every day Alex and I cant wait to see you all again. Take Care Love, Billy
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