Isabella is cruising through the rounds.
We are learning to manage the side effects, by and large she is continuing life as her normal happy self. She was pleased to be back at school this week. Unfortunately today's session at the clinic only gave her an hour at school, but we'll be back bright and breezy tomorrow we hope.
It still seems like a long road for some of us, but when there are those moments of doubt about whether we will make it, there's that now famous phrase: "YES WE CAN!"
On hearing the news that Obama had won (we whispered in her ear at midnight) her eyes opened and she smiled and said "yeah!"
You definitely can!!!!
It is wonderful to be able to follow Isabella's Story through the blog. Thank you for keeping us informed.
I forgot to sign my previous post
Lots of love
gran cosa la notizia di Obama, e' di quella che infondono fiducia e speranza nella possibilita' dei cambiamenti, d'altra parte dopo questi ultimi anni cosi' bui era il minimo che ci si potesse aspettare dalla regina della democrazia. ora speriamo che il vento propizio soffi pure quaggiu', nel vecchio continenete.
tuttavia questo e' niente rispetto al conforto che ci date ogni venerdi' mattina al sentire come procedete bene e quale forza Isabella stia dimostrando.
Dio continui a benedirla ogni giorno, insieme a tutti voi
Puntuali come ogni verendì mattina, siamo andati a vedere il vostro blog....e ci sentiamo sempre più vicini a voi e rincuorati nel sentire che il percorso intrapreso vi vede forti e sicuri, così come siamo noi sicuri che Isabella affronterà al meglio e vincerà la sua battaglia, insieme alla sua fantastica famiglia.
GO !!!! OBAMA GO!!!!!
PS ieri abbiamo prenotato per Pasqua, la fam. Ruggerone sta arrivando.....
Un abbraccio fortissimo, le nostre preghiere e i nostri pensieri sono sempre con voi
Ale, Gigi, Luca e Sara
How great to hear you have such a little Trooper! Yes she can - yes we can! I love the fact that children, young and old, became interested and involved in Obama's election. How beautiful.
Happy Friday Emma and all!
I vote Isabella for President!
Pleased to hear things are going as well as poss. I have you in my thoughts all the time and check in weekly for the update!
Huge hugs to you all
Yes, you can!
Um abraço amigo,
Noélia e Jui
We are happy to hear that Isabella is happy and in good spirits! We were of course very sad to learn about her diagnos, but strengthened in knowing that you are all taking so good care of her!
We are thinking a lot about you!
Johanna, David, Adela & Irma
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