This week a dear friend, who is a pianist, kindly invited us to one of her concerts. She said she was personally dedicating the piece to Isabella. The third lively movement certainly summed up Isabella's attitude this week.
Last Wednesday she decided she wanted to tell the class why she was loosing her hair. She sat in front of the whole class and explained very matter of fact that her special medicine was causing it to all fall out. By Monday she was pretty much bald underneath her scarf. She told Miss S. that she wanted to show the class. And so she sat in front of them and showed them all. When asked if it would grow back, she replied "yes and I think it might grow back pink this time!" Apparently they were all in fits of laughter. When she showed them her scar across her head, the boys rose to the occasion and started showing off their latest scars. Kids are amazing.
The next day at swimming, Isabella got changed into her costume and then whipped off her scarf ready to jump into the pool. The other kids barely batted an eyelid at her new look. They just see Isabella. What more could a worrying parent ask for? Though, I know exactly what the adults present were feeling. Childhood innocence is such a beautiful thing.
As in previous weeks the past three or four days have been very good, though she does get increasingly tired at the end of the day. Last Friday we had a little drama when a high temperature revealed an infection so we were back at the hospital for antibiotics by IV. This was temporary and we were quickly back on track.
Isabella is much more in control of the situation. She is talking a lot about what is going on. She is a woman after all :). At her tap class she seemed to sit there the whole time and tell the teacher and her friend all about what was going on. They were so sympathetic; I could see Isabella was enjoying talking all about it.
Undoubtedly, she is getting fed up with having to keep going back to the hospital week after week but today we are half way through the first session. The final one will be on Christmas eve and then we get a month off! Today she only had one drug - the vincristine which took a matter of minutes to administer and thankfully we had St. Jeanette to access the port, none of the trauma of last Thursday and Friday. There should be less nausea with just the vincristine and hopefully it will take less out of her.
Now we are taking it easy and looking forward to seeing the Cirque de Soleil at the week-end and Thanksgiving next Thursday.
Lots of love to you all,
Emma & Gregorio xxx
Isabella's resilience inspires me. Clearly she emulates what her wonderful parents have taught her. John and I send all of you our love and support and virtual hugs for everyone, including the Jester!
Go, girls, go!
Well done Doof. You are a marvel, a rock and a superstar.
Huge kiss and constant thoughts to you all.
Caro Carlo,
Mostrares à tua neta o sorriso que exibes na fotografia é decerto uma boa ajuda.
Ela está a ser forte, mas cada incremento à sua força é mais um amparo, um suporte, uma mão por baixo...
Um apertado abraço,
vi pensiamo sempre tanto, e desideriamo abbracciare Isabella al piu' presto.
Un bacio grande
Fabiana, Domenico & Co
What an inspiration you are, Isabella Impavido! Vi mandiamo un bacione e speriamo di vedervi presto!
Em & Piercarlo
Chers Emma et Gregorio,
j 'ai également longtemps hésité à poster un commentaire : la distance, les années et le fait de ne pas connaître toutes ces personnes qui vous sont proches ne facilite pas la démarche. Pourtant, weekend après weekend, conversation après conversation, nous suivons à travers le blog et la "de Pisa-connection" votre parcours. Ainsi, petit à petit,il me semble que vos vies, se sont rapprochées : j'apprends à connaître votre petite famille dans ce qu'elle a de plus beau et de plus fort. Nous vous admirons et voulons vous encourager dans cet épisode difficile de votre vie. Vivement des jours meilleurs où nous pourrons nous retrouver. LAURENT (et tous les autres membres du clan)
Querida familia - Todos estamos aprendiendo mucho de vuestro ejemplo; especialmente de la bella Isabella. Un gran abrazo a todos de Susana, Gustavo y familia.
Dear Impavidos,
We follow Isabella's inspiring character strength regularly.
We wish you the best holidays and a happy new year!
Un fuerte abrazo y un beso para la princesa.
Alejandra y David Madero
Thank you so much for keeping us all updated on Izabella's incredible personality and maturity. It brightens my day to know there are such wonderful people in the world. I want to be her when I grow up.
è da un po' che non scrivo (Inghilterra, rientro con impegni vari) ma siete sempre nei miei pensieri. Ho letto tutto e spero solo che Isabella continui ad avere questa sua capacità di reazione positiva nonostante questo lungo e pesante cammino. La vostra forza accompagnata dalla vostra ironia mi fa sperare che veramente voi possiate tutti sopportare questi duri momenti.Siete una famiglia meravigliosa, ma questo lo so da tanto tempo! Le mie preghiere vi accompagnano quotidianamente. Il mio affetto, l'affetto dei "Vardini" tutti, sono, spero, insieme a quello di tanti amici, una goccia di balsamo per le vostre fatiche. Vi abbraccio forte insieme ad Aldo. Paola
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