This morning Isabella had an MRI of the brain and spine to see what effect the first 10 weeks of chemo had had. Late this afternoon the hospital called with preliminary results. Good news: the main tumor in the brain has shrunk. Some dispute over the original size when I relayed the news to Gregorio. The fact remains it has shrunk and this is more than they could have hoped for at this stage. The small tumors in the spine remain stable but unchanged. There are two (not one) smaller areas in the brain that are harder to measure. The doctor repeated this is good news. We are relieved and cautiously optimistic for the future.
With 2008 behind us we are looking forward to an ever better 2009. This Friday we are jetting off to Naples. You can imagine us cruising along the Amalfi coast, sipping limoncello as the sun sets over the mediterranean....well this Naples is a mere 2 hours away in Florida. We have a nice hotel on the beach where we hope to recharge and enjoy some winter sun before restarting chemo on January 22nd. The weather forecast is high 70s. We'll miss the historic inauguration of Barack Obama but a complete escape is what this family needs right now.
We have been making the most of Isabella's break from chemo. We have been skiing three times at Whitetail, just over an hour from DC, enjoying playdates and sleepovers. Christmas, though the actual day was a real low point for Isabella, was filled with fun family parties, lots of fun afternoons playing with our new toys, seeing a magical performance of the Nutcracker and much more. Isabella has really been enjoying her food, without the chemo affecting her taste buds and appetite. A pleasure for all.
Happy New Year!
Emma & Gregorio. xxx
I had a bad day today, but you made my day with this such a good news. I hope the tumors keep shrinking and soon all this will be behind you. Happy 2009!
This is great news! what a super start considering everything. We think of you everyday and Jamie sends big hugs to Bella and Matty. much love and positive thought to you all....Juliet, Ben, Jamie, Gibson (woof) and all the kids at Lawn Cottage.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Siamo felicissimi per le belle notizie. Un sentito abbraccio.
Ale, Gigi, Luca e Sara
Hurray! Happy New Year it is! Enjoy the warm sun of guilt, no worries.
Lots of love to all.
avevo timore ad aprire il blog! Che sollievo leggere le vostre buone notizie e che gioia! ho il cuore che batte a velocità supersonica e sono felice per voi. Dimentichiamo il 2008 e affrontiamo il 2009 con la speranza nel cuore. Sono certa che di lassù il Signore vi accompagnerà.
Un abbraccio forte forte Paola e Aldo
Insomma, benvenuto 2009! Speriamo che la chemio continui a produrre effetti positivi. E buon soggiorno a Naples (Florida), che di questi tempi è forse anche meglio di Napoli (Italia)...
Nicola, Giulia e Irene
I have only five words. Good, good, good, good and *GOOD*!
Have a fantastic holiday. If ever a selection of delightful folk deserve it, you do!
Ciao bella
I am so relieved for you all! Super news. Have fun in Florida and let the sun and sea wash away some worries.
Wonderful news!
I was really busy feeling sorry for myself because of my work problems when I read this...reality check!! What great news to start the year with. Have a lovely holiday even if not the original Naples I am sure it will be great. And I am sure Mr Obama will understand ;-) a kiss to the princess and keep us posted.
Samantha & Co
That's such wonderful news!! I've been anxiously checking the blog and was delighted to read that the main tumour has shrunk. It's fantastic that Isabella is responding so positively from the word go - what a champ! We love you all very much. Emma, Yanni, Anna and George (who was in hospital last week but is now bouncing off the walls again!) xxxx
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