Christmas is a time for giving and my goodness have you given. We are truly overwhelmed by your generosity, there has been a steady stream of parcels and boxes delivered to our door for the past couple of weeks. Here is a photo of our Christmas tree, it looks like we have been sponsored by fedex, DHL, UPS and postal services from around the world. THANK YOU, GRAZIE, MERCI, DANKE, GRACIAS, EFHARISTO and so on...yet again many of you may be far away but your presence is felt.
We have been having a lovely couple of days in the run up to Christmas, despite the artic weather. We enjoyed a concert at the Kennedy Center, we have seen some magical light displays, we saw the Christmas Pageant at the National Cathedral. There are always so many wonderful things to do in DC at this time of year.
Isabella has selected the seafood and fish from the fish market for our traditional Christmas eve meal which Gregorio is knocking up. We hope she will be able to enjoy some of it. And tomorrow I am on turkey duty. We'll be having our meal in the evening so we can have a leisurely day and get over the worst of post-treatment nausea and exhaustion.
Well we made it to Christmas Eve and the first 10 rounds of chemo are behind us. Isabella is increasingly anxious by the whole procedure so we are grateful for a break from it all. The good news for you is that we may not be blogging so regularly for the next month. Isabella will have a hormone injection on New Year's Eve and then an MRI on January 12, but otherwise we are on a break until January 22nd. We'll update you when we have some news, in the meantime we pray for some good news on January 12th after all she has been through in the past three months.
We wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year. We'll leave you with the words of a local Christmas song, unfortunately we can't insert here.

It's snowing tonight in the Blue Ridge
There's a hush on the Ches'peake Bay
The chimneys are smoking in Georgetown
And tomorrow is Christmas Day
The Tidal Basin lies quiet
The tourists have found their way home
Mr. Jefferson's standing the mid-watch
And there's a star on the Capitol Dome
It's Christmas Eve in Washington
America's hometown
For it's here that freedom lives
And peace can stand her ground
It's Christmas Eve in Washington
Our joyous wish to you
Is for peace, love and laughter
to last the whole year through
Snowmen peeking through the windows
It's warm with love inside
'Round the tree the children gather
Awaiting Santa's midnight ride
Mom and Dad are counting their blessings
Reflecting on all they've done
So thankful for another
Christmas Eve in Washington
Emma and Gregorio. xxx
Dear Emma and Gregorio,
may this Christmas bring you peace and New Year the joy you all deserve. Love fron Florence, Angela
Am still chuckling at the Christmas Eve in Washington 'carol' ... I have heard the original.. where do they get these singers from???? Still there aren't many other places I would want to be on Christmas Eve.
Thanks to all the Impavido's for all that you have given us over the last few months- sometimes the greatest gifts dont come in packages under the tree!
Wishing you lots of love for Christmas and for 2009.
love Miss East x
Buon Natale, Merry Christmas!
AndrĂ tutto bene!
All our best wishes to your family! Enjoy the turkey leftovers and a restful family filled weekend! Happy New Year's break from Chemo!!!!
Continued love, cheers and prayers as we move into 2009 Larry and Marsha
Vi siamo vicini sempre con tanto affetto e vi auguriamo che il nuovo anno cancelli ogni paura e faccia rinascere la speranza. Vi vogliamo bene e vi inviamo un grande abbraccio insieme a tanti bacetti per Isabella e Matilde. Ciao Paola e Aldo
Mille auguri da Firenze per uno splendente 2009. angela
Un grandissimo abbraccio da Roma. Con tanti auguri di Buon Anno e che vi porti le buone notizie che sia voi che noi speriamo tanto.
Samantha e famiglia
Emsk, Greg, Isabella, Matti,
You will be much in my thoughts tomorrow (12th) and hope all goes as well as possible...
Glad the Christmas parcel fairy brought some joy to you all. Much deserved, I say.
Take care lovies,
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