It is true what they say, kids never cease to amaze. This Thursday we finished our session in the oncology clinic at 1:30 pm. It's always a rather long morning, considering we get there at 8 am. As we left the car park, Isabella starts munching on her lunch in the back of the car and asks me to call her teacher immediately to find out where the class is. We found them on their walking tour of Georgetown, looking at different buildings and structures. After an hour walking around Georgetown, she decided she'd return to school with her friends and finish up the last half an hour or so of school. I was amazed at her stamina but her friends and teachers are obviously much more fun than being with your mother! And that is just the way it should be .
This gave me 20 minutes to grab something to eat and do some shopping. Then I thought we'd be going home for a nice quiet and relaxing afternoon when I picked them up at 3:30. But no, Isabella announces she wants to go to the talent show and watch her friends perform. We duly bought our tickets and settled in for several hours of entertainment. If it had been up to Isabella and Matilde we would have stayed till the bitter end!
This gave me 20 minutes to grab something to eat and do some shopping. Then I thought we'd be going home for a nice quiet and relaxing afternoon when I picked them up at 3:30. But no, Isabella announces she wants to go to the talent show and watch her friends perform. We duly bought our tickets and settled in for several hours of entertainment. If it had been up to Isabella and Matilde we would have stayed till the bitter end!
And Friday she went off to school for another day of fun learning. We are proud of her desire to carry on just like all her friends. We thought you would enjoy a couple of images from her mornings at the oncology clinic. Here she is in the art room with the art room ladies, which is filled with every craft you can think of and lots of games.

A little later she was visited by the Easter bunny. And then the clowns came by. I didn't manage to catch a photo of her with them. Maybe next time. I am not sure who looks forward to seeing the clowns more, Isabella or Gregorio and I. They do provide some light relief during a long morning.

Two down and another two to go for this cycle of chemo and then we'll be on another short break from chemo and also from school. Isabella will have an MRI sometime at the end of March/early April to monitor her progress.
And here is Matilde holding her Supersib trophy which arrived in the post this week-end. She was extremely pleased with it, as you can see.

We're back in winter here, after a summery week-end. The snowdrops, crocus and daffs are out. Very soon they'll start predicting the peak time to see the cherry blossoms. And before you know it the mosquitoes will be pestering us and the air conditioning will be full on.
Lots of love,
Lots of love,
Emma and Gregorio .xxx
prima di tutto gli auguri più affettuosi per il vostro nono anniversario di matrimonio. Come passa in fretta il tempo .....Giorgio e Debby quest'anno sono già al decimo traguardo! Vi auguro ogni bene e soprattutto che il tempo riporti nella vostra bella famiglia un po' di serenità. Ne avete tutto il diritto perché siete "grandi" e tutti vi ammiriamo. La vostra "grinta" è contagiosa e Isabella è grintosa perché voi lo siete e riuscite a infonderle serenità e gioia nonostante tutto.
Vi sono vicina e vi voglio bene. Un abbraccio Paola e Aldo
Dear Emma,
I was thinking about you today and Chris shared the link to your blog. Your family is truly amazing. What an inspiration both of your girls are.
My wish for you is that spring will bring only good news. I will be thinking about you.
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