Neutropenic? Yes we've heard about it in the oncology coridoors but neither G nor I were sure what this meant and before the doctor returns to explain what this means, Gregorio is googling away on his iPhone. For all you non medics - basically the neutrophils in her white blood cell count are extremely low. A healthy person has 1500, for a chemo patient they will let it slip to 500, Isabella was at 410. So we were admitted to the oncology in-patient ward. Well we haven't had a sleepover on the 4th floor, a new experience.
Most of Wednesday Isabella was just not herself fighting what they expect is a regular flu-type virus, over the course of Thursday her fever came down (and then went up again) she is definitely more herself today. She's receiving antibiotics every 8 hours. The main issue with this is that her line has to be flushed with a saline solution before and after any medication is administered. It gives her a terrible taste in her mouth and she is sick to her stomach, sometimes just the word saline or flush induces vomitting. But the moment it's over she's chatting and laughing. "better out than in!" she says. Even at 1 am she sat bolt upright on tasting the saline....but moments later we had some entertaining conversations. Something about right angles and left angles.
During the day she developed an allergic reaction to the antibiotic, so they have changed medication this evening and her rash is now subsiding. This afternoon her temperature rose again so now they are saying we are staying till at least Saturday. She has to be without a fever for 24 hours, her white blood count needs to be at least 250 (we're currently below that) and rising and the blood cultures need to be negative for 48 hours. So far they are.

Isabella is beginning to get bored and hungry. These are all good signs with Isabella. She was visited by Dr JJ and Doctor Molly, also known as the clowns. All three of us were in fits of laughter today. Here they are and Isabella, looking much better. Laughter definitely is the best medicine.

Needless to say she received no chemo today and we'll reassess next week. Most likely everything will be shifted by one week. So another two sessions to go before the break. And technically the MRI is scheduled for April 6th. For the planner in me this throws everything out of alignment. I had just calculated that Isabella would be off chemo for all family birthdays. But what's in a date, the most important thing is celebrating the good times.
Matilde has been to the hospital quite a bit in the past few days, normally she is at school. This evening she arrived at the hospital with several presents for Isabella, she'd chosen her prized bar of chocolate and wrapped it all up herself. Then when she got to the hospital she told Isabella's nurse how she had received a trophy from Isabella's doctors for being a SuperSib. She is mighty proud of it. Seeing her sister in the hospital must be hard for Matilde. On the way home she asked if she could sleepover in the hospital one day with Isabella. We could bring a little mattress in for me. And just now she has called from the bed for her doctor's thing (the stethescope) she needs to see if her heart is still beating.
So here's hoping that Isabella continues to improve in the next 24 hours and her blood cultures are negative. Then we'll all be able to sleep in our own beds, have some nice food and have a relaxing week-end.
We'll leave you with the good news of the week: Isabella and Matilde will have a cousin in September. They are very excited. Happy Mother's Day to the new mother-to-be and all you British mothers.
We'll leave you with the good news of the week: Isabella and Matilde will have a cousin in September. They are very excited. Happy Mother's Day to the new mother-to-be and all you British mothers.
Emma and Gregorio. xxx
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