This week has whizzed by. We have been enjoying the first week of the spring break, bike rides, ice creams, visits to the Natural History Museum, enjoying the new playroom and more. Having been without chemo for two weeks there were very few side effects this past week.
We're at the hospital today with Matilde. She is having a great old time and won't leave the art room. But I think she is more excited about this evening - her first sleepover! Everyone at the hospital has been told.
Today we completed the end of cycle number 2. We are a quarter of the way there!
The MRI will now be on Friday April 17th. This is not unlucky for the British. We are confident that those weeds are shrinking but do keep those prayers going.
Our basement is complete, after 10 weeks of chaos we are much relieved. Spring is in the air, the forsythia and cherry blossoms have peeked, the daffs are still out and the tulips are begining to show their colorful heads and now the dogwoods and azaleas are beginning to bloom. This week-end we've got an Easter Brunch with friends, egg hunts and Papa's birthday (not to mention tennis, playdates and a ikea visits) so lots of things to keep us busy.
No chemo for the next two weeks but we'll update you when we have the results of the MRI. Next week Isabella will meet the people from the Make a Wish Foundation and will let them know her wish.
Happy Easter/Buona Pasqua,
Emma & Gregorio. xxx
Buona Pasqua a voi e alle bimbe, siete sempre nei miei pensieri e nelle mie preghiere.
Grazie per continuare ad aggiornare questo blog, sono appiccicata al monitor tutte le settimane per avere vostre notizie!
Un abbraccio forte
Just catching up on the blog. Emma, what a talent you have for capturing life's little moments. Wishing the best for all of you, and I have my fingers crossed for Isabella on the 17th... thanks for the updates on your family. I really enjoy your blog, even if I would be fibbing if I didn't say it makes me a little sad too.
-- Kit
I keep my fingers crossed for the 17th...un abbraccio
carissimi quella primavera che con poetiche immagini di fiori che sbocciano Emma ci descrive qui non arriva proprio! Sono giorni che piove e oggi in montagna nevicava come in pieno inverno.In compenso i varda inglesi erano facevano il barbecue in giardino! Boh. Chi ci capisce qualcosa! Ma meteo a parte spero che la primavera arrivi con la RM e aspetto, condividendo con voi l'ansia dell'attesa, i risultati.
Un abbraccio forte
Aldo e Paola
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