On July 1st the new doctors start at Children's Hospital, let us present Dr Impavido, her second day on the job! Matilde had the great idea of giving her a doctor's jacket and bag for her birthday and today Dr Impavido has been walking proudly around the hospital. She's been taken into the oncology office to meet all the staff and given various badges and her very own stethoscope. She is very proud.
July 1st was a day of anniversaries for Gregorio and I - we've been together for 15 years and it was also the day we brought Isabella home from the hospital 7 years ago. It is hard to believe all the adventures we have had since that emotion filled chaotic day. We had a lovely family day with Peter and Janie on Sunday, Isabella's actual birthday when she went for the world record in how many lamb chops anyone can consume in one sitting. Then on Monday we had a fun party splashing at the pool.
This last week at school seems to have been one long party for all. And Isabella was given the primary award for French. Our little linguist! Today is the last day of school and tomorrow is a holiday so a long relaxing week-end all round. Much needed.

Today Isabella is receiving carboplatin only, this completes cycle 4, we are half way there! We now have a couple of weeks off from treatment which we are all looking forward to. On Sunday July 12th she will be having another MRI of the brain for an update on what progress the treatment is having. We should have the results sometime on the Monday 13th and will update you then.
In the meantime, enjoy the summer and Happy 4th July.
Emma & Gregorio.xxx
Bellissima Isabella! Pronta per essere protagonista nella prossima serie del Dr. (non a caso, Gregory) House M.D. Auguri!!!
E' passato un po' di tempo dall'ultima volta che ho visitato il sito, ed e' - come sempre - con grande ammirazione che ho letto le vostre ultime vicessitudini. Principessa Isabella e' sempre nei nostri pensieri, cuori e preghiere. Con lei tutti voi. Un abbraccio forte.
Fabiana e Domenico
Hello from Florence. I've been thinking about Isabella and am glad to see she is half way through the treatments. I lit a candle at Orsanmichelele for good news on July 12! A little Virgin Mary therapy never hurts.
Much love,
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