Isabella's blood counts are still too low to start a new cycle of chemo - ANC under 1000. So we slip another week (which means that we are now due to finish one week AFTER Christmas...) We'd be lying if we didn't admit we are feeling a little deflated, but on the up side it does mean another week without chemo. I guess returning to school was a shock to the system, not to mention Matilde getting strep throat and an ear infection. A great start to the new school year! Let's hope we get through the next few months without too many illnesses and viruses.
It is a funny feeling returning to the hospital every week. It is such a routine now and they truly make us feel like special friends. Gregorio has been to every appointment this past year, apart from a couple over the summer. The security guard greeted him with a smile and said "hello sir, how are you, I was wondering if you were coming today?" and proceeded to hand him his name badge without asking for his ID. In the clinic waiting room the nurse who checks the children's vitals announces "Dr Impavido please!" and on the board, they had written Dr Impavido. Isabella was beaming as she walked out of the waiting room.
The grandparents have left and Gregorio leaves tomorrow for a mission to Kenya, his first trip in a year. Previously, Gregorio traveled every other month for several weeks at a time so we should be thankful for something (the economic crisis? Isabella's treatment?) as Gregorio has enjoyed every month of the year in Washington - a first in over 10 years.
The house will feel pretty empty but there is plenty to keep us busy. The first week or so back at school has been fun and has successfully worn the girls out each day :). Matilde is loving ballet lessons and Isabella has started piano again. She tells us she is also in the school choir "it's much better than lunch break!" Fear not, I think she does have time to eat first. We have also started swimming lessons again, tennis on Saturday for us all and Italian classes next week.
Tomorrow I am joining a whole crew of travel industry professionals as we roll up our sleeves and spruce up the monuments and surrounding parkland on the National Mall. Not an insignificant date to say, "Tourism Cares".
This week-end is also the anniversary of the passing of our dear friend and neighbor. He and his family have been a great inspiration to us this past year. God bless you, David.
More next week when we hope to finally begin cycle number 6.
Lots of love,
Emma and Gregorio. xxx