We are back from a most wonderfully relaxing holiday in Canada. Just what the doctor ordered all round. It was a true escape, apart from the lack of internet connection, it was so beautifully green and open. Refreshing air, delicious food and majestic scenery from the miles of lakes and trees to the magnificent St Lawrence River at all times of day. And what surprised us, was how totally French everything was, albeit with an accent that was hard to understand at times. We kayaked and canoed on the idyllic setting of Lac Gagnon with our lovely Canadian friends and we went walking, picnicing and whale watching on the Cote Charlevoix, north of Quebec City. We were staying near Baie St Paul where the Cirque de Soleil began 25 years ago, and were treated to some very entertaining street acts. We didn't see any moose, though I ate caribou, Gregorio claims he saw a black bear and we saw many many different types of whales. If you are curious and have the stamina, take a look at some of our pictures . You'll need a little imagination to spot the belugas and humpback whales.
Thankfully no drama with Isabella's condition though we did have two hospital visits for the two female members with a 7 in their age. A relatively quick x-ray revealed no broken bones and we continued our 2,400 mile road trip.
Now back to reality. The girls were thrilled to be back at school on Monday, catching up with old friends and meeting new teachers. Today we were at Children's for the start of round 6 - we thought. However, her blood counts were a little low, with hindsight her motion sickness during the return journey was probably a little virus. No problem, she got to school earlier than anticipated and we will just shuffle things down by a week and return next week.
The next MRI is scheduled for October 13.
When we left Quebec on Friday morning it was a crisp autumnal morning with beautiful sunshine and 9 C, when we arrived in DC it was a muggy 32C. This week the humidity has gone and the weather is absolutely gorgeous. We hope it will last for the nonni's last few days and the upcoming long week-end.
Emma & Gregorio. xxx
Awww! What a lovely post. Delighted to hear you had a great time. Here's wishing you a great autumn "term".
Ciao belli!
Génial. Comme j'aurais aimé partager ces belles promenades avec vous dans cette superbe nature. Je pense à vous bien fort. Gros bec (comme ils disent au Québec) L
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