Thursday, September 17, 2009

Third time lucky?

OK so we have sort of started cycle 6. Sort of? Well her ANC was even lower this week which we will attribute to either a cold or possibly the gleevec medication she takes daily. Either way the accumulative effect of chemotherapy is beginning to take its toll on Isabella. She has been off chemo for a month and we were desperate to start again. It was decided to give her vincristine only and not the carboplatin. The vincristine has a number of side effects which we have more or less under control but the lowering of blood counts does not tend to be one of them.

Her ANC was 450, which for those of you in the know, or remember from our spring antics means that any fever and we will be enjoying the overnight accommodation facilities at Children's. I was talking to one of the mothers in the clinic this morning about how we would love to hermetically seal our kids in a bubble until the end of treatment but it is not realistic, let alone fair. It seems the germs have been flying around schools earlier in the season than usual.

The doctors are strongly recommending flu shots and swine flu shots for the whole family. All the hospital staff were getting their flu shots today. When St Debby saw how anxious Isabella was at the idea of getting a shot (not today anyway) Debby took Isabella off with her so she could hold her hand.

Both girls were up at 6:30 this morning and flying off the wall. Normally Matilde has to be dragged out of bed at 7:30 on a school morning (the week-ends are different...) The reason: Matilde was going to Alex's for breakfast and then off to school. "COME ON MUMMY, we have to go, otherwise they will have finished all the pancakes before I get there!!"

Finger's crossed our blood counts rise over the week and we remain clear of infection.

Wet and autumnal here today.

Lots of love,
Emma (& Gregorio from Kenya) xxx


Anonymous said...

Good luck!!!

Anonymous said...

Tenete duro, in autunno-inverno si aggiungono i disturbi di bocca al lupo, un abbraccio alle piccole e un bacio da firenze,