Tuesday, November 13, 2012


It has been a busy week in this part of the world - positive feedback from Isabella and Matilde - along with many others :-) on the re-election of Obama.

Health wise Isabella has had a good week. Round two and three (weeks two and three) of this first cycle were quite tough on Isabella. She had quite a few upset stomachs and some pretty bad stomach pain but the thing that really irritated her was the eczema rash all over her body and her face. However, here we are at the end of week four and everything seems to be under control. The nurses gave us a whole host of creams and potions and Isabella is excited by new things and looking after her body and has applied the creams with enthusiasm twice daily. She is also a lot less tired than she was a week or so ago. All this to say she is adapting to the new medication BUT as Isabella said herself today "I just hope these pills are attacking the tumor"

Yet despite knowing the upset the pills are causing her she is such a good patient and takes the pills twice daily without any resistance. Even at 6am every morning, she sits up takes the pills and then lays back down for another hours sleep (when she can get up and have breakfast)

The next MRI is scheduled for December 8th. It is a good catholic date, so we are hoping for some divine intervention and some good news that the medication is at least stabilizing the tumor's growth if not shrinking it.

November is charity month in the Impavido household. No guesses as to our preferred charity. We are attending a number of events to raise funds for Brain Tumor research and I am also hosting an annual event this week for girlfriends, the opportunity to shop and donate to a good cause. If you are in the DC area and you haven't received an invitation - let me know!

Meanwhile the girls are gearing up for a number of performances. We have the Hansel and Gretel pantomime next week prior to our big turkey feast for Thanksgiving. Matilde is skittering and bobbing around the place in preparation for her role in the Nutcracker which starts Thanksgiving week-end. Beyond that we are looking forward to the cousins arriving for a few days and the Italian grandparents beyond that for Christmas time. Lots to keep us busy.

We'll update you when we have more news.

Lots of love,
Emma & Gregorio. xxx

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