Thursday, September 19, 2013

All stable

Today we got the news that all is stable with Isabella's tumor. There is the possibility that it has shrunk very slightly - however stability is good and we are pleased with this. We've been on the trial for almost a year and it is five years since this journey began. We are in a good place. Isabella is blossoming and doing well inside and outside school. Next month we will make a definite decision as to whether we continue with this trial drug for another year. It looks likely that we will, given how minimal the side effects are and how well the tumor has responded to the treatment. The unknown factor is the long term side effects of this drug and there is very little data to support either side of the decision. So onwards with our 6 am alarm to take the pills every day and then again squeezing it into our afternoon activities on an empty stomach... another MRI in December to monitor the tumor. We reviewed again Sept 2012 MRI alongside the September 2013 MRI and the shrinkage is significant, more than 50%. This is incredibly pleasing to see. More soon. Love, Emma, Gregorio, Isabella and Matilde. xxx

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