Wednesday, September 4, 2013

How cool is secondary school?

Bella and Mati, first day of school 2013
In a word...VERY. The girls went back to school yesterday and Isabella went upstairs to Year 7 (6th Grade for you locals) into secondary (middle) school. She can't stop talking about all the new and exciting things. Today they were allocated their lockers...and they are turquoise! This afternoon in science they made sparklers. Now, how cool is that? Takes me back to the fun we had with bunsen burners. Oh and did I mention the NEW uniform? Take a look for yourself at the smart navy blue summer uniform. Just wait till the cooler weather and there's a white shirt and tie, which Isabella is already practicing tying.

Isabella starting secondary school reminds me how grown up I felt when I started all those years ago. I could even see myself on my first day of school proudly wearing my new uniform and my first slip on shoes - Peter kindly dug up the photo. See any similarities?!
As Isabella sits down this evening to start her first piece of history homework I am reminded of the great leap from primary to secondary. Typing in the keys words  into google for her chosen period of history to research has left her a little overwhelmed. I remember some of those early homework sessions but I had to rely on the library or Granny Pat's encyclopedias. The resources may have changed but learning how to research and use the information is the same.

Meanwhile it has been a good summer. We had a wonderful week in South Beach Miami with the British grandparents. This was followed by sailing camp which the girls loved, especially capsize mania day (on the hottest day of the year) and tennis camp. Mati has just received a new racket and suddenly she loves the game. Dear friends left DC and we miss them a lot, while others have returned or are about to arrive this evening.

Emma, the Duchess of fun, provided entertainment that included Asian night and Turkish night - lots of delicious food cooked and served by the girls. We then had a very relaxing two weeks down in South Carolina. We were staying on the private island of Kiawah which was very tranquil, immersed in nature, no cars or lights on the street, gorgeous houses with great views and lots of wildlife - alligators in the pond at the end of our garden, many birds, deer, starfish and turtles. Kiawah is a major nesting ground for loggerhead turtles. We joined the turtle patrol on several early mornings to inspect the nests and see if there were any hatchlings still struggling to make it out of the nests (they are about two feet underground in the sand). Isabella was fortunate to be able to assist over 25 out and then release them into the sea.

Matilde was pretty taken by the wildlife too. One lunch time she came screaching back from the beach on her bike (I was lounging by the pool about to prepare some lunch) "mummy, I don't care what you are doing or what you are wearing, get up and come and see the tortoise in the street!"

When we weren't watching the wildlife, we were biking around the island, through the marshes, under the spanish moss, along the beach, flying our kites, eating and relaxing. We did have a few days of rain but wiled away the hours introducing the girls to the southern classic movie - Gone With the Wind. Gregorio was more interested in reading "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn!"

We visited Charleston, which Gregorio and I had seen pre-kids. It is beautiful but we were less impressed with Savannah. We saw the largest and oldest tree in America, apparently. Angel Oak was pretty impressive. We also toured the only American tea plantation. It was useful having Emma, a former tea taster, to guide us through the process and give us a tea slurping, I mean tasting demo.

All in all a successful holiday where we recharged the batteries. One of the best things was switching off work email for two weeks. Sounds perfectly normal, but admit it, how often do you do it these days? I can honestly say it was the first time in five years (since I bought an iphone) and it was truly liberating. And just like the 'old days' my office did survive without me popping in to answer a question or to provide the answer! Anyway wee are now slowly getting back into the routine. Isabella will have another MRI on September 14th. We will update you then.

Lots of love,
Emma & co xxx

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