Tuesday, December 18, 2018

My favourite word: stable!

Much to our surprise but to our pure delight last week's MRI showed that Isabella's tumor continues to remain stable. So we move on with life for another three months. That takes us to two years without treatment. We will continue with three monthly check ups, given the blip in the early summer. This is a Christmas present we are extremely happy to receive. Thank you all for your continued support.

We've had a busy autumn, just for a change! Plenty going on with school and work. Isabella began her IB courses and Matilde her IGCSEs. Isabella is focused on her end goal of pursuing a career in medicine and has worked out where she would like to study and all she needs to achieve to get there - more as the plans progress. Meanwhile she has started learning to drive, though there was a short hiatus in October when she broke her foot (another medical field she gathered information on, from a patient perspective!) She is still singing with the choir and last Sunday we enjoyed a beautiful winter concert. It never ceases to move me, hearing such magical voices - I know I can't sing a note in tune. Meanwhile Mati is still focused on her free style and backstroke times.

Gregorio continues to derive much enjoyment from creating the perfect carb - sourdough bread and pasta in all shapes and sizes - and it is actually rather good. He even invited the world's top chef to dinner this week to check out his cacio e pepe - we spotted the chef's daughter had graduated across the street this week and posted on his instagram page. Well Mr Bottura you missed out but someone in the neighborhood (unknown to us) saw the post and is picking up her handmade fettucine tomorrow! His first official customer, rather than biased friends and family.

As we wind down the week we are looking for to switching off for Christmas. We are looking forward to a white (but pretty cold) one in Vermont.

The past few months have gone by in a whirl and we sadly didn't manage to organise our Christmas party this year (no you were not dropped off the list!) so we wish our dear friends near and far a very Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year.

With love,
Emma & Gregorio. xxx

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