Isabella had a pretty good week. Again last Friday she was very low physically and mentally but she was back on form on Saturday waking us up with the question "why does the sun stay hot?" A tricky question even when you are wide awake.

We then enjoyed a whole host of fun activities, including a tour of the White House to see the Christmas decorations. It was beautiful. Matilde was enchanted by the choir singing Christmas carols at the end. We have also had the school play. Matilde pranced like a beautiful fairy and Isabella rapped with real attitude!
Today we hit round 9, just one more to go for 2008. Isabella continues to be the real Impavido (translation: fearless) and fights on. Matilde, Gregorio and I have been battling with your common old garden cold and cough and are exhausted. As I write this at midnight on Thursday Gregorio in on his way home from the hospital with Isabella . We rushed her in this evening on seeing a temperature of 101 F or 38.3C. As a chemo patient her immune system is depressed but also a temperature in a patient with a central line could indicate a serious infection that needs to be treated with antibiotics by IV immediately. Poor Isabella, we draged her from her post-treatment slumber and exhaustion, only to discover that she did not register a fever at the hospital. However, they decided to do some blood tests and give her the medication anyway. Unfortunately the staff in the ER are not as well trained at accessing the port as the oncology staff. A traumatic end to a long and difficult day for Isabella. We'll be back at the hospital on Friday afternoon for another dose of antibiotics and that should be the end of today's drama.
Well tomorrow our visitors arrive, it is the last day of the school term and we can start to relax for Christmas. Roll on Christmas eve.
Emma and Gregorio. xxx
I really appreciate so very much your wonderful blog and how grounded you and Gregorio are. I feel like I can be a part of what this ordeal has been for Isabella and her wonderful family. Isabella is inspiring, Maddie is endearing, and the two of you – my God, how you are coping with this is beyond my comprehension. You and Gregorio are amazing loving people and your daughters reflect this.
I wish all of you peace and comfort. And most of all – joy.
My warmest wishes and hugs and kisses,
Roll on indeed! All my best to you all for Christmas and the new year. You have all my best wishes that last night was your longest for a very long time. Love, Whitney.
leggerò il resoconto della giornata di oggi ma intanto voglio ringraziarVi per aver dedicato un po' del vostro tempo anche per scrivere personalmente i vostri auguri natalizi. Veramente non meritiamo tanto. Seguo con apprensione e con affetto di nonna le vicissitudini della nostra Impavido "per eccellenza" e sono felice che Natale si avvicini portando una pausa felice in queste dure giornate. Inutile ripeterVi che vi siamo vicini con l'affetto di sempre , ma se possibile, anche più grande dopo aver conosciuto ed apprezzato il vs. coraggio e la vs. forza.Vi abbracciamo forte forte augurandovi un sereno Natale Paola e Aldo con i Vardini
All of us are still thinking of you - especially over Christmas. Isabella's tenacity really is incredible and your strength is real example. We hope you have a relaxing time over the break. All of us will be behind you in 2009. love Sophie, Ian, Georgina and Oliva.
Dear Emma
Your story brings back a lot of memories for me. I know the desperate worry of a temperature and the worry whether the sibling is getting enough attention and the highs and lows and ups and downs, so well. As a mother, being strong for everyone is exhausting and intense but I hope that the joy and excitement of Christmas, especially for the children, lifts your burden and brings you some comfort and peace.
Good wishes to you all and Janie and Peter.
Gill (from Franschhoek, South Africa)
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