Lest, Matilde not be forgotten in all this and as an example of the support we are getting from the hospital and the generosity to be found in this country, there is an amazing foundation called "SuperSibs" for super siblings of cancer patients. Matilde has started to receive her own notes with activities etc. Not to mention all the lovely cards and gifts you have all sent her.
We have been thinking about how Matilde is coping with everything. It is hard to know what a 4 year old really thinks. Apparently at school she is her usual gregarous self. As you can see she is quite a character. This is a photo of her taken last week, ready to go and do the shopping.
When Isabella's tumor was first diagnosed Matilde was obviously confused and concerned about her sister being in hospital and getting lots of shots (the biggest fear a young child has). As the weeks went by, she became relatively jealous of Isabella. As those of us with siblings know, no matter how much you love your sibling, the feeling of jealousy is pretty common. Only on becoming a parent do we start to understand the difficulty of dividing our time, energy and love fairly between them all, even at the best of times. Matilde said a number of times recently "why is Bella always with you and I have to be with nonna?" This despite being spoilt by nonna or having spent the morning with me.
As Isabella's treatment has progressed, Matilde has been rather unaware of all that her sister is going through. She is at school on Thursdays when we are getting treatment and on Fridays, which is often a low day for Isabella, Matilde is also at school. Last Saturday morning, as Matilde and I went off to do the shopping, Isabella waved to us from the window. Matilde said "poor Isabella, she has a sad face, we have to make her happy" Indeed, we do, perhaps we just don't know what is going on in Matilde's head. Recently, she has been very sweet with Isabella, running and fetching her blanket or soft toy, or getting an adult when Isabella is feeling sick. She quite likes being a little bit of a 'big girl'. She seems to even quite like sleeping on the top bunk now.
Meanwhile, Isabella is very fond of her little sister, Matilde. During her low days, she wishes Mati were home to do one of her 'shows'. Some of you will know how unique and entertaining these can be. But don't think it is all idyllic in the Impavido household, they do still fight so life is pretty normal!
Today Isabella reached round 8. This past week, despite a very low start, she bounced back by Sunday and the doctors decided carboplatin and just half a dose of vincristine. Well we are another week closer to Christmas and our much needed "break". The break will still include a lupron hormone injection (which does seem to knock Isabella sideways) and an MRI with full sedation on January 12th. Right now we are focusing on the last week of school. The Christmas performance will see Matilde as a fairy and Isabella's class are going to be rappers. She has quite a selection of bandanas to choose from for her costume! It should be entertaining.
Emma and Gregorio. xxx
cara Emma
seguiamo con partecipato ed emozionato interesse questo vostro modo di affrontare via blog la comunicazione agli amici, al mondo, della vostra vicenda.
Anna è un pò pre-tecnologica, ma, quando mi connetto a Principessa Iasabella, legge alle mie spalle.
Stiamo vivendo anche noi le dinamiche delle piccole e grandi gelosie tra i nostri nipotini (Martina [7] e Michele [1]) figli di Giuliana; con manifestazioni per fortuna sempre trasparenti e comunicate in chiaro a noi e ai genitori, in merito alla scontento per dovere "condividere" un bene così grande, come mamma e papà.
Pensiamo a voi tutti con grande affetto, e vi auguriamo un nuovo anno più sereno
God bless you all.
Roberto e Anna
Dear All - the comment on shows made me laugh. If Matilde is anything like her mum then I can imagine that those shows are highly amusing. I was reminded only yesterday of the shows that we used to put on in the garage of Monckton Rd - fond memories indeed.
All my love to you all at this special time of year. You are as always in my thoughts and prayers. I do not have your address so could you send it to me when you have time. Big hugs all round.
Charlotte and familyxx
Carissimi Emma e Gregorio,
come sempre, grazie di tenerci aggiornati e le mie scuse visto che e' un po' che non ci facciamo vivi... E' bellissimo vedere come l'affetto tra sorelle (o fratelli) nasca e cresca nei momenti di difficolta': un'esperienza unica, bellissima e nuova soprattutto per noi figli unici (Gregorio mi capisce...). E quindi, dopo essermi dato un'auto-tiratina di orecchie per non averci pensato prima, i nostri saluti e "in bocca al lupo" ad entrambe Isabella e Matilde! E a voi due "rocce" un abbraccio stretto stretto di tutto cuore!
Giorgio, Deborah e i due fratellini (hi hi...) Filippo e Matteo!
I, personally, am a very big fan of those silver shoes. Do they make those in adult sizes?
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