We came home Saturday afternoon, Isabella seems to be over the infection and life returns to normal. Everyone got a good night's sleep, our appetite has returned and though neither would probably admit it, the sisters are pleased to be at home together again. This morning we made playdough.
Spring is in the air, enjoy the rest of the week-end.
Emma and Gregorio. xxx
Oh petals. Another battle fought and won! Very glad to hear you are all home again and normal can resume. Will be thinking of you all and hope you get a couple of good nights sleep now you're home.
Forza Italia!
Suze x
Cara Emma,sono contenta che anche questa sia passata. ti sono vicina con tutto il cuore, avete delle bambine bellissime e vi auguro che prestissimo torni la tranquillità . un abbraccio, angela
Miei cari Impavidi, I'm at work reading your blog and my eyes are full of tears and my heart full of admiration. YOU ARE BRAVE, BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE!!! We'll be in DC on April 3-13. Look forward to seeing you!
That's great news, Em. Glad the girls are back together again and at home. Must have been strange for Matilde to be without Isabella all those days! Glad she is feeling brighter and has got her famous appetite back. I expect you're really looking forward to the break now. Not long to go!! You're all so amazing and are constantly in my thoughts. Emma P xxx
spero che arrivi una primavera non solo... meteorologica....a scaldarVi tutti e che virus, infezioni etc. spariscano d'incanto! Che crescano solo nuovi germogli e nuova vita! Vi abbracciamo forte forte e tanti bacetti a Isabella e Matilde.
Paola e Aldo
Cari Impavido,
anche noi, da lontano e a modo nostro, tiriamo un sospiro di sollievo per i nuovi sviluppi.
Vi siamo vicini, sempre come possiamo, nonostante la distanza. Vi vogliamo un mare di bene.
I Paolucci
Much love from the three ladies next door. You are all in our thoughts. We would like to be involved, but are reluctant to intrude. Please don't hesitate to tell us if we can be of any help.
Roshini, Valli, and Rosemarie
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